Words Are Weapons

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Walking into school with her head hung low,
Hoping that the emotions won't show
Hair covering her face, hidden behind her books,
Hoping that nobody dares to look
At the girl behind, who's breaking part by part,
The assaults are a blow straight to her heart
They call her fat, they call her ugly,
They call her names they think are funny
Trying to camouflage in the crowded hallway,
Hoping it'll be unlike a normal day
But then comes a laugh, and then some sneers,
Slowly gush out the built up tears
The insults firing till she finally leaks,
Cry baby, emo, nerd and geek
She struggles to escape, to hold her head high,
To run away from the madness that was her life
The chants start rising about starting a fight,
When slowly a punch knocks her from the right
Lying on the floor in the midst of a crowd,
Head in her hands as her sobs drain out
Someone comments about her being weak,
Despite her weight, and called her a freak
She was more vulnerable and broken than she'd  been,
There was no way she'd build on having thicker skin
She continually questioned her self worth,
But now she was damaged, beyond hurt
For now there was no one, no flicker of hope,
She was suspended in mid air, on a tightrope
Dragging her feet right off the ground,
She used the last bit of sanity she'd found
Locking the bathroom stall and heaving her heart out,
Letting go of the screams, the taunts, the shouts
Peering into the mirror and cleaning up the mess,
She was okay for now, just wait for recess....


It might be aimed as a joke.
It might be just for fun.
But it's not just as fun when it happens to you.

One insult.
One laugh.
One word.
All it takes to break a heart.
All it takes to cut through skin.
All it takes to rip apart a soul.
All it takes to end a life.

This poem means a lot to me and I really hope you'll take it as an important change of mindset towards choices in general. Know the impact of your words, the consequences of your actions. Know that by ruining someone else's life, you're not making yours any better.

Bullying isn't a myth. Bullying isn't a fairytale.
It's a reality and is occuring in all parts of the world. Not only physical, mental too. Be responsible for every little thing you do. It might not hurt you, but it could hurt someone else. Think in someone else's shoes for once. Like I always say- broaden your spectrum. Choose your perspective. Change the world.

Stand up. Speak out.
Stop Bullying.

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