Blind Eye to Stereotypes

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If I'm a blonde I must be dumb,
I'm always at parties, just having fun
I get special attention from people I don't know,
But as they stay longer, my true colours I'll show

If I'm a raven, I'm mysterious and dark,
I'm gloomy and secretive, not a fiery spark
I'm strong and fearless, you must be scared,
To even approach me, people wouldn't dare

If I'm a redhead I'm aggressive and crazy,
Extremely unique but just as lazy
I'm not always the brightest, but clever as a fox,
I'm an extrovert who thinks out of the box

If I'm a brunette I must be nice,
A sophisticated darling without any spice
I do what I'm told and I'm smarter than the rest,
I'm charming and pretty, yet I pass every test

Well what if I'm a Violette, a purple-headed freak,
Will people call me a minion or an attention-seeking geek?
When will this world ever stop assessing a face,
Searching for a flaw, your scars they will trace
My hair is my hair and it's not going to change,
Even if the world continues to call it strange

I'll be who I am and not trust stereotypes,
For classifying people based on looks isn't right
Just because you're blonde doesn't mean you're Regina George,
And just because you're a redhead, trouble won't forge
Just because you're a raven it doesn't mean you want a fight,
Brunettes aren't always innocent, they aren't always right

I can be who I want to be without society defining me,
I don't have to blindly follow their statements on beauty
Forget about the stereotypes, forget about the world,
I can still be beautiful and stay the same old girl.


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