My Ray of Sunshine

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This year has had its ups and downs,
But you always saw past my smiles to my frowns
You were there for me as a light to my dark,
You had a way to ignite that spark

You were the one who helped me see,
That I could be loved just by being me
I'm so glad I have you right by my side,
Because without you alone I would hide

Without a pair of eyes to seek,
Without having a few secrets to leak
You were there when I thought I'd lost it all,
You were there when I was ready to take a slip and fall

I was so ready to turn, leave everything behind,
But you were my eyes when I had gone blind
I thought I'd lost you because of one sudden choice,
But you were always there, my soul, my voice

I thought that day I was truly done,
But you helped me come out of hiding and see the sun
I fell for you once and now I'd fall for you again,
But this time I'd fall for you as your best friend.


I thought I'd lost you in the name of love.
I thought I'd lost you because of one choice.
I thought I'd lost you after one confession.

But now I have you back and I love you ten times harder.
But this time I love you as my best friend.

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