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When I want my thoughts to be happy and carefree
The only place you'll find me is under lock and key
Scattering the walls are the thoughts of the unheard,
A whisper of silence to this catastrophic world
The floors are embedded with secrets to keep,
And my thoughts run wild, finally pulled free
Book and pen as I write away,
Flowing out of me, going astray
As I touch up my masterpiece and cap the pen,
Take out my gluestick and start to spread
Sticking my words right onto the wall,
Among the others, it stands tall
Glancing at the room where it all began,
I'm in contemplation as to how we just ran
Sprinting and chasing each other for years,
Breaking apart with the screams and tears
Is this how it ends, is this really the story,
After all that's happened, will I still remain weary
They say it's alright that I feel this way
To feel dejected, unwanted, it was okay
Because this was my life and things happened to me,
But contemplation isn't the answer, that I must see.


Have emotions.
Have feelings.
Have thoughts.
It's okay to be human.
But don't stay in contemplation. The word in itself has a way of making my head spiral and send my thoughts into whirlwinds.
Just the way the word rolls off my tongue, just the impact it has on the world.

Don't be unsure.
Don't be confused.
It's okay to have thoughts.
Be human.

Whisper of Silence |✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz