Miss Anti-Lover

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Why does every princess need to have a prince,
I used to think the very same, but now I'm not convinced
I don't need a boy to help me keep my spirits high,
I'll do much better without the drama, without the desperate cries

Why does every queen need a king to have the power,
I don't need the chocolates or the pretty flowers
I don't need someone by me every minute of the day,
I don't want to commit myself to someone who won't stay

Why does every ending have to resemble a fairytale,
I don't need the big bouquets or the snow white veil
I don't want to see myself in someone else's shadow,
I think I am capable of sailing my own boat

Why does every girl dream of finding the perfect one,
Why does my life have to revolve around love
I don't want to be the girl who lives her life to impress
Forever I'll be my own person, I don't need a white dress

I don't believe that love is the key to finding ultimate bliss,
I don't need a man to be happy, I'm good being called 'miss'
I don't need your flattery or your diamond ring,
I think this queen is strong enough to rule without a king.


I'm madly in love. With a girl named Olivia. I believe that she's capable of going through life's ups and downs without that special someone. I believe she doesn't need to depend on someone else for her happiness. I believe she's perfect just the way she is.

Livvy + Via = Vivyy <3 <3

Yes, I'm very much aware that I just shipped myself with myself. Comment your ship name with yourself if you believe that love isn't everything!

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