Emotion Shopping

180 32 27

Pick up some happiness from the dairy aisle,
And right beside it you'll find the smiles
The greed's sold out but sadness came in new,
Beauty is popular with people like you

Purchase your happiness, sell your fears,
Let go of emotions that seem unclear
Hunt for the right one to brighten up your day,
Stock up on the moods that will make it okay

Sass and arrogance have made the top charts,
While there's no use for care, pleasure and big hearts
'Please' and 'thank you' are commonly bought,
While 'sorry' and 'excuse me' have struggled and fought

You can pick up the disgust right off the third shelf,
If in need of support, just call for help
Three packets of depression will last for a week,
We'll wrap up the secrets, they're bound to leak

Bliss comes in bottles, right by the back,
Optimism is menial, while negativity comes in stacks
The teaspoons of luck are not too easy to come around,
Laughter and tears are not worth dollars or pounds

Purchase your emotions, sell all your fears,
I'll be of assistance if you need me here
Buy one get two free is only for smiles,
Hunt for your happiness in all the right aisles.


If you sell your sadness and lose your fears, there's no doubt you'll have enough to purchase your prosperity and hunt for your happiness ❤

Whisper of Silence |✓Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα