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I don't know where to start,
I don't know where to end
I wish I wasn't so horrible,
At being your friend

I wish it wasn't like this,
I wish I could change
I'd choose another personality,
My emotions would have  wide range

I wish I didn't seem,
This worthless to you
I wish I didn't speak up,
About the things you do

I wish I kept it in,
Kept it in to hide,
But now they'll all know,
Because I had feelings inside

I wish I wasn't so vulnerable,
Put at your display
You can play me around as you wish,
And there's nothing I can say

I've already had my share,
Of trouble at a height
I have my list of sins,
All from that one night

But there's no taking it back,
It'll all be blamed on me,
I'll stand lonely and miserable,
For the world to see

I wish that you could see me,
For the things I can actually do,
I wish I didn't seem as worthless,
Especially to you

All I get in return is a few angry glances,
A few muttered words and no second chances

They talk behind my back, they hate me to my face,
But I don't want to bat an eyelash, I won't let them see my haste

I won't let them see my tears, I won't let them in my mind,
I won't show them all my weaknesses, all I have to hide

I won't make a big deal and I don't want you to, please,
I don't want my vulnerability exposed for the world to see.


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