Kaguya Houraisan

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Requested by PersonTouhou1234

1. Kaguya has the power to manipulate immortality. Sweet! She even helped Eirin Yagokoro make the irreversible Hourai elixir, which makes you immortal. Permanently. Poor Mokou ;~;

2. Kaguya was planned to be a playable character in Touhou Hisoutensoku, but was scrapped due to time constraints, but also ZUN stated in an interview that her moveset as initially designed would have been overpowered and unbalanced the game and there wasn't enough time to properly balance her strength against the other characters. I would have so wanted to be able to play as Kaguya! Ah well.

3. Kaguya and Mokou's rivalry is implied to represent how the sun and moon infinitely chase each other across the sky in vain. Also, their relationship has been compared to be more 'Tom and Jerry'-like.

4. Kaguya, and the rest of Imperishable Night, was inspired by the Japanese of the Moon Princess, also known as 'The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter ', (that title sound familiar?) sometimes called the legend of Kaguya-hime (Princess Kaguya)

5. Tales of Kaguya's unearthly beauty led many men to ask her hand in marriage, Mokou's father, Fujiwara No Fuhito included. Whether you see this sad or not, none of them could sucessfully complete these requests.

6. Here are the Five Impossible Requests:
1. Stone begging bowl of the Buddha from India.
2. A jewelled branch from the island of Mount Hourai
3. The legendary robe of the fire-rat of China
4. A colored jewel from a dragon's neck
5. The legendary Cowry treasure of the swallows
Pretty ridiculous, right?

7. In Imperishable Night, Kaguya is found with all five items of her request in her possession. Well, all I can say is, at least she finally found herself a man. Or whoever found them for her.

8. Not so shockingly, Kaguya was exiled from the moon because of drinking the Hourai Elixr that SHE HELPED MAKE, since the elixir would most likely cause too much trouble, making one immortal in the truest sense, after all.

9.Eventually, she was forgiven for this crime and welcomed back to the moon by powerful emissaries. Since she had grown to love life on earth, Kaguya wanted to stay, and had to go into hiding. Within a Bamboo forest, they hid in a small manor called Eientei, so that the Lunarian emissaries did not find her, Eirin, or Reisen.

10. In Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth, Kaguya and Mokou's relationship seems much more casual instead, though that might be due to the carefree attitude of the author...

11. Unlike Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth, In more serious doujin works, Kaguya is often depicted as having been driven insane or mentally unhinged as a consequence of her long life and inability to die permanently.

12. However, in official works, namely Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth, and Cage in Lunatic Runagate, she is described as having a more cheerful and pleasant, if somewhat ditzy, personality, who likes to tease Reisen just like all the cast of Eientei.

13.These different characterizations may be the reason of the name of Kaguya's theme music, "Lunatic Princess"; believing it to be descriptive of Kaguya herself rather than the music.

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