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Requested by Lommy-chan

1. This character was not given an official name at the time EoSD was released. Fans nicknamed her "Daiyousei", meaning "Greater Fairy". ZUN  later used this nickname in an interview, although he probably used it as a general term for all stronger-than-normal fairies. So the name Daiyousei is still not really official.

2. Another possible appearance of Daiyousei is found in Strange and Bright Nature Deity, where a fairy of similar appearance is playing hide and seek with Cirno.

3. Her appearance in GFW Extra stage with Lily White  marks the second ever appearance as a double midboss in the series, where as the first time shown as a double midboss was the third stage mid boss of The Story of Eastern Wonderland, which are two strange creatures.

4. As an abbreviation of "Daiyousei," the affectionate name for her is 「大ちゃん」 or "Dai-chan."

5. In many fan-fictions, she is described as Cirno's elder sister (usually, they are not in a blood relation). In these fictions, she is timid and shy, but very kind, especially to Cirno.

6. She is sometimes regarded as the elder or leader of all of the fairies living around the lake.

7. Some fans show her to have larger breasts than most fairies because of her name, "greater/big fairy". 

8. Due to her enhanced difficulty in Fairy Wars, she's often been called DIE-yousei. This is generally used when she's angry or takes on a darker personality.

9. Occasionally depicted as the older sister/friend to Cirno. Her personality can range from being very protective to obsessively in love with Cirno, even up to (yandere) levels. This also derives the inversion of this trope with "Cirno-nee", in which Cirno is taller, bustier, and older than Daiyousei.

10. Like other fairies, she is cheerful and mischievous, simple and emotional.

11. She lives around the lake around Scarlet Devil Mansion.

12. Dai is one of normal-enemy class (not boss-class) characters. There are many such characters, and they are not given any special role in the story.

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