Letty Whiterock

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Requested by _-Samson-_

A/N: sorry if I haven't been updating this as much as I used to, I've just been busy.
1. Re-reading Afterglow. So good ^o^ (trilogy/duo about Shou and Nazrin's past)
2. Irl stuff
3. Haven't felt as motivated to write this as I used to


1. She is said to have a larger hit box than other bosses, probably to make it easier for newbies. However, this fact led to a fan theory that she is fat. An alternate fan theory is that this indicates her having large breasts.

2. The brooch on her dress resembles the alchemical symbol for silver, coinciding with her theme, "Crystallized Silver". Due to its shape she is also sometimes seen wielding a trident in fanart.

3. In her interview with Aya, Letty states that she hibernates during summer. Also, she said that she hates being compared with Cirno, a simple Fairy.

4. There is confusion over whether she is a snow spirit or the Spirit of Winter, which leads to some conflicting cases when she disappears at the end of winter or just doesn't feel like appearing.

5. Letty's name and personality are based on the character Letitia "Letty" Blacklock from Agatha Christie's book "A Murder is Announced".

6. She melts at the end of winter in some fan comics.

7. Some fanfics depict her calling herself 黒幕 (Literally: "Black Curtain", Romanized: Kuromaku, Meaning: "puppeteer", "manipulator", "wire puller", "political fixer", "mastermind") from Sakuya's Scenario of PCB.

8. Her cape tends to be left out in fanart as most people haven't even noticed it's there, what with it being almost completely transparent and all.

9. Unlike Cirno she can't create cold by herself, only manipulate what's already there.

10. As a result she's near-powerless outside of winter (and yet immensely powerful in it, far more than the aforementioned Cirno).

11. Letty's ability to manipulate and amplify cold weather makes her extremely powerful in winter, to the point where ZUN has said that she could cause an incident by herself (that would presumably elevate her power level to that of a stage 5 or 6 boss).

12. Her profile states she let the heroines win because even she thought winter's gone on long enough.

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