Kanako Yasaka

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Eh. I don't rlly like Kanako that much. But her theme is cool.

1. Kanako uses the imagery of snakes in her symbols - the rope circle represents a curled-up snake (Ouroboros) that invokes reincarnation. She picked up the frog-eating snake motif and a sacrificial ritual where one sacrifices frogs to her after beating the frog-aspected Suwako and conquering her kingdom. One of Sanae's Hair Decorations is a snake-like hairpiece, which represents her association with Kanako.

2. A fair amount of her dialogue in Symposium of Post-Mysticism is pretty clearly ZUN expressing his worldview, where she's usually presented as the reasonable compromise between Miko and Byakuren.

3. She is indirectly related to every game after her debut. Moriya Shrine conspiracy and all that.


4. Kanako comes up with a number of plots to manipulate others and gather more faith in both canon and fanon.

5. It's notable that her plans tend to result in incidents, something Marisa called her out on in Symposium of Post-mysticism.

6. In Subterranean Animism she gives Utsuho nuclear powers so she can harness them to gather more faith. Not only does Kanako end up with little control over her and Okuu goes on to nearly nuke the surface, her actions release two powerful religious rivals in the process.

7. In Wild and Horned Hermit she tries to make it easier for her worshippers to reach her by hiring some kappa to create an artificial lake at the foot of the mountain. The kappa prove incapable of following the blueprints or even working with each other, leading the dam to burst and destroying the path to her shrine.

(Heh. She deserved it. Also how would a lake make it easier to reach her shrine???)

8. An interesting variant: the music on the Game Over screen from Mountain of Faith onward is a remix of her leitmotif.

(Oh...I can hear it now. 0_0 are we foreshadowing something ZUN??)

9. Normally Kanako is calm and collected, but Wild and Horned Hermit showed us what she's like when she has a big audience to impress...

Kanako: Now then! The new experiment is starting! The experiment we are about to perform will put great power into the hands of the kappa of the mountain and the humans of the village. Watch and be amazed, and WORSHIP us!

(Sorry Kanako but I wouldn't worship u if my life depended on it)

10. She describes her ability as the creation of "Qian", a nebulous Taoist concept associated with the sky but also the qualities of an emperor. Not even Akyuu is completely sure what this means.

11. Kanako herself even says she's not sure what her divine powers are at the moment, since she's in a period of transition from storm to mountain to technology; Qian most likely describes her personality and mundane talents rather than anything supernatural.

12. Kanako has been trying to introduce advanced technology to Gensokyo (including nuclear fusion), but she hasn't yet had much success, at least partly due to the tengu's greed and the kappa's incompetence. And Okuu's stupidity.

13. She has plans to change her divine dominion from "wind and rain" into "technology" by becoming worshiped as the god who brings technology to Gensokyo (while pre-empting the events of the outside world where technology has displaced religion).

(Again, wouldn't worship u if my life depended on it)

14. Whenever any cultural development would render her redundant (and thus eventually kill her), instead of fighting it Kanako reinvents herself to make it her new divine focus. Her attempt to become the god of technology is only the most recent.

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