Evil-Eye Σ (Sigma)

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Requested by PersonTouhou1234

1. Evil Eye is likely referencing the typical "evil eye" that's known in many cultures.

2. The 'Evil Eye' that is know in many cultures is believed to cause injury or misfortune for the person at whom it's directed for reasons of envy or dislike.

3. It also shares its name with YuugenMagan's title: "EvilEye".

4. The Evil Eye Σ, along with Rika, was the first Extra stage boss ever in a Touhou Project shooting game.

5. If Reimu followed Rika during Stage 1 of SoEW, then Reimu's battle with the Evil Eye Σ would've been Stage 2.

6. Some fans tend to see the Evil Eye Σ as the "king" of all the Evil Eyes.

7. Fanart often views the tank with a rather cute appearance, while some other go the opposite and give the tank a more dark side.

8. The tank is often compared with its counterparts: the Shrine Tank and the Flower-Tank, only as well with other machinery such as Mimi-chan.

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