Chapter 24a

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Once the chaos of released prisoners died down, I once again felt hostile stares on me. Not a lot, but the mistrustful few made themselves apparent. I edged closer to Rinnic, whose imposing presence gave me some comfort.

"We should probably go," Galen said, nervous eyes flicking among the tribesmen.

"I couldn't agree more," Remi said as he joined us.

Galen turned to Rinnic. "Will things be okay here?"

He pursed his lips as he surveyed the remaining crowd. "We will maintain order as best we can. But what happens next for us, I can't say." He glanced at his two guard companions, who never left our sides, and they nodded at each other.

We began moving, and once again the crowd parted for Rinnic, who glared at anyone who stood in the way. I made the mistake of making eye contact with one of the onlookers, and he spat at me, saying, "You are beneath me. How dare you look at me!"

My stomach clenched, and I dropped my gaze to the ground.

"And what makes you so great?" Another man puffed his chest toward the heckler. "She just killed a man who keeps children in pits. What have you done lately?"

The other man grumbled and said nothing.

A few other hostile Krat began to jostle and jeer, calling me a blood-thirsty Aberration. I crossed my arms over my chest and hunched, trying to make myself smaller. Others spoke up for me, and I was grateful to them, but each verbal assault pierced my flimsy defense, and I began to tremble. Remi drew me close with an arm around my waist, but he couldn't protect me from these jabs either.

The exit wasn't very far, but it seemed like an eternity before we reached it. A tall woman waited quietly by one of the posts, a small cloth-wrapped package in her hands. Rinnic smiled when she approached.

The woman touched his arm. "You're doing a fine job, Son. I'm so proud of you." She held out the package to me. "This is for you."

I lifted my eyes and stared at it.

"It's food, for your journey." She pressed it against me, and I flinched, my mind not thinking clearly.

"Thank you," Galen said in my stead, taking the package. "You are most kind."

"You have done us a great service, no matter what some of these oafs may say." She glared at a frowning woman, causing her to move away.

"Like mother like son." Galen chuckled before clasping both their arms. "Truly, you are both fine individuals. I can only hope these people will one day follow your lead."

The tall woman stepped in front of me, bending so she was eye level. She didn't touch me this time. "Siena."

I lifted my eyes to her.

"I am so sorry for these outspoken animals. They shame me, but rest assured, they do not speak for all of us. Thank you, for all you have done."

A hesitant smile crept onto my lips, and I gave her a small nod.

She returned the smile, brushed back my hair, and pressed a tender kiss to my forehead.

My eyes closed, and I was transported back to the day of my mother's execution. She'd brushed my hair back the same way, kissing my forehead and telling me that I would be all right. Right before they took her away.

A fat tear escaped from my closed lids and slid down my cheek, and she wiped it away. "Things will get better from here, my dear."

I nodded and swiped the remaining tears away, averting my gaze.

With a pat on my shoulder, she stepped back, and we left the compound.

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