Chapter 19

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^^Tyler and Stephanie (let's pretend he's blonde)

Another week has passed and Lucas's training regimen is just as intense as ever.

I'm actually starting to get abs, they're faint but nevertheless they're there. Who would have thought that? Not me, that's for sure.



I've just got back from training. I still don't know why I agreed to this. What I need right now is a shower.

As I'm towel drying my hair I hear Steph knock on the door.

"Krystal" she calls "can I come in?" 

"Yep!" I reply

As she walks in she just bursts immediately into conversation. "Okay just listen Krystal.  Hear me out. You've been dating this guy for like 3 weeks now, you have to tell me who it is. I'm your best friend, we're not supposed to keep things from each other." She finishes looking genuinely upset.

"Look Steph, I just don't feel ready yet. I don't know if this relationship has a future and I don't want to bring you into it until I'm sure." I've actually rehearsed this as I had a feeling she would approach me soon.

Steph nods a me with a slight understanding. "Promise you'll tell me soon." She says, hopeful.

I nod looking directly in her sapphire blue eyes. I know I had to make direct eye contact or she wouldn't believe me. I hate deceiving her but what choice did I have?


Stephanie POV (Finally. I've wanted to do this for a while)

 I've wanted to do this for a while)

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I wake up to hear Krystal snoring. I'm used to this by now, she's like my personal alarm clock. I'm a morning person so I don't mind, her not so much. I know she'd rather be up at night and asleep all day.

She has this weird obsession with the moon, I always catch her staring at, engrossed in it. I have no idea why but to each their own I guess.

I have a shower, get dressed and eat. By this time it's 7:30 and we need to leave in the next 20 minutes.

I walk into our room.  Of course she's still sleeping.

I scream in her ear and she jumps up abruptly. I laugh and she glares daggers at me, I'm used to this by now, too, she does almost every morning. Like I said she's not a morning person.

"You do realise we need to leave in 20 minutes" I say.

"Shit" she replies and jumps out of bed, heading straight for the bathroom. I chuckle to myself at this. Some things just never change.

Luckily she just makes it out in time and we don't miss the bus.

As we walk into school I feel someone walk up behind me and hold me in a tight embrace. "Hey beautiful" he whispers.

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