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( Jungkook P.O.V )
After breakfast we all split up and did our own thing until dinner. When Lawson calls us down to dinner we all enter the kitchen at the same time. Suga and jimin come down from the lounge, V and Jin come in from the deck and jhope comes out of one if the guest rooms he is using. As I sit down I look for ( your name ) and I can't see her. "No way, I could never see you doing anything like that." I hear he say with a cute laugh. "Believe me I did it, I mean I would have said nothing but he just wasted the perfectly good ramen!" I hear Rap monster say excitedly. My heart stops when I realize what their conversation is about. Rap monster is telling his pick up story about when he went to got stood up at the ramen shop and he when he was siting all alone he saw this guy losing it over him mest up ramen order and he stepped in because he felt bad for the server then ended up punching the guy in the face because he threw the ramen at the server. "The fastest story to get a girl" Rap monster would always tell us . "First make them feel bad for you, then make them see your caring and top it off with something that highlights your strength" I remember Rap monster telling us this a while ago. They round the corner together both smiling then sit beside each other at the table. During dinner everyone was telling ( your name ) of funny stories from when we were on tour. I sit quietly eating then stand up and go to my room. I sit in my chair by the window thinking about how they probably won't notice how I'm gone. Someone nocks on the door and I don't turn around to see who it is. I feel arms wrap around my back then some laughing. I turn around to see Jin smiling at me. "What's wrong oppa?" He says and we both laugh. "Nothing, it's just I think Rap monster likes ( your name ) and I mean he barely knows her." I say looking at my black timberlands. "I'm pretty sure most of us do." Jin says with a straight face. "W-what?!" I say stuttering. "So.... do you like her too?" Jin asks smiling again while pushing my shoulder."H-how could I like her I barely know her." I say stuttering again. "But you think she's cute?" Jin asks while smirking putting his arms around my shoulders. "Get off." I say while laughing , pushing him off and walking towards my closet. "Make sure you wear a mask when we go out." I say while striping down and then putting on a white tee-shirt and black leather jacket. I throw on a gold Rolex that I brought with most of my clothes the other day and a black mask. As I walk towards the door Jin slips a black baseball hat over my head. I look down at my phone and see I have a text from jimin saying they are in the underground parking lot and that they think ( your name ) is in her room so she won't see me and Jin leaving. I put my phone in my pocket then enter into the hall. "Go ahead I have to make sure the security is set." I say while motioning to the elevator. I watch as Jin gets into the elevator and the doors close behind him. I walk past the kitchen and go up into the lounge that hangs above the living room. I open the laptop and follow the steps Suga had giving me so I could enable security mode on the new system we had installed in the penthouse to keep ( your name ) safe. As I go to close the laptop after enabling security so only ( your name ) , Lawson and the boys can only enter and exit the penthouse I hear a soft voice clear their throat. "So your all just going to leave me here? You didn't think I wouldn't notice did you? Come on really?" (Your name ) says as I turn around to face her. My heart stops as I look her over. She is wearing a short Light Champaign party dress with sequence.

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