Q & A

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It's come to my attention that some of you want questions about the book\ me answered so here we are! 

Q : Are you human? 

A: I am most definitely human.

Q: Do you like chicken? 

A: Kinda random but yeah i guess lol 

Q: How did you get into kpop?

A: Well i had been listening to kpop over the summer before my freshman year of high school but only what came on to a playlist on spotify and never really got any deeper than that. It wasn't until i started my freshman year and met this awesome girl named micky in my science class that liked kpop as well. She dragged me into EXO and i stuck with them for a month or two until i found BTS, I love EXO don't get me wrong, but after learning about Namjoon i was instantly a die hard fan. I am multi fandom and love them both as well as many other groups.

Q: Why did you want to write this?

A: Hmm because my friends and i had been joking about writing a Jungkook fanfic but they didn't wanna write so i decided to on my own.

Q:Did you enjoy writing it?

A: Yes very much, although i'm not very good and I ran out of ideas at times I did look forward to updating and seeing you all enjoy the new chapters!

Q: Was Bo-Gyeong (Billy) originally supposed to be a bad character?

A: No he wasn't he was actually supposed to become a good guy! my first idea for him was to be a negative charter then become a positive one, but i ended up flipping it around the other way 

Q: Why did you pick Jungkook?

A: Because my friend who encouraged me to write and even brought up the idea of writing a fanfic is a Jungkook stan and i wanted to be able to write something she could enjoy.

Q: Is the story some how based off of you?

A: Not really but i did put in some personal experiences. For example i used my memory of going to visit my grandmothers gave for the chapter "Blessings" she is in fact under a beautiful willow tree and the last time i visited her a blue butterfly had landed on her stone. There has been other Memories i have used in bits and pieces  of chapters but to point them all out would take forever.

Q: Is Bo-Gyeong (Billy) dead?!

A: Well considering i won't be doing a squeal i guess i can tell you. Yes he is . Namjoon killed him:) 

I hope this answered some of your questions!!!  

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