Chapter 2

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"You're here!" Melissa squels, pulling us both into a hug.

"Haha...yay," I respond sarcastically.

She doesn't notice, but pulls away giving us huge smiles. Dad pulls her into a kiss and they stand their, mushing faces in front of me.

I mentally gag. "I'm just..gonna go," I respond and push past them. They stumble but still manage to keep their lips locked.

I roll my eyes, pulling my suitcase deeper into the house, finding the kitchen. I go for the fridge immediately and find some pudding. Taking a spoon, I open the lid and dip it in, before putting the pudding in my mouth.

Melissa and dad come in moments later, to find me devouring the food. 

"Well, I see you've made yourself at home," dad responds, coming over and ruffling my hair.

I swat his hand away. "Well, I would currently be in my room, but since you two were to busy eating each other's faces than show me my room, I decided to try the kitchen instead."

I smile sweetly at them and Dad forces a smile in my direction. "Sav, could I please talk to you for a second?"

"Oh, I don't think that's necessary, I think that someone should just show me my room," I respond.

"Savannah. Talk. Now!" he says through gritted teeth.

"God, calm your farm," I mutter under my breath, following him to the living room.

"What's wrong with you?" he whisper-shouts.

"Nothing. I just really don't want to be here right now," I respond.

"Just put up with it and stop being a smart alec, okay. You need to be nice to Melissa, she is a nice lady."

"Sure she is," I snort.

Dad rolls his eyes. "Just try for me, please?"

I sigh. "Okay, dad."

"I love you, kiddo."

"Love you too dad."

We walk back into the kitchen, where Melissa is waiting for us, smiling brightly. Does she ever stop freakin' smiling!

"Do you want me to show you to your room Sav?" she asks.

"Savannah," I respond shortly.

Her smile falters a little bit, but she quickly recomposes back to her usual smile. "Okay, Savannah. Your room?"

"Sure," I respond, un-enthusiastically. I follow her upstairs and we walk a down the hallway, to we reach the third door down.

"Well, here's your room," she says, before walking away. Probably back to dad.

I open up the door and pull my luggage inside. I gasp. My room is amazing! I have light purple walls, with a double bed in the corner of my room, that has see through curtains hanging from it. The rest of my room is filled with a desk and a walk-in-wardrobe to my bathroom! Along with that, I have a balcony that over looks the beach. Did I mention that Melissa's house has a beach behind it?

I unpack my suitcase and take the photo's and posters I packed, to put them up. After that I take a quick shower and grab some shorts and a white singlet top.

Grabbing my phone, I slip it into my pocket and walk downstairs. Melissa and dad are in the kitchen talking.

"Hey, I'm just going to go for a walk," I tell them.

"Okay, sweetie, be safe," dad replies, breifly looking over at me.

I nod, ready to walk out but Melissa calls me back.

"Buy some stuff," she says. "The rest of your clothes and things aren't coming for a couple of days."

"I don't have any money," I respond.

She grabs her purse and hands me a hundred dollar note. "Here take it. My treat."

I give her a real smile. "Thanks Melissa."

"Anytime sweetie," she smiles back.

I give them one last wave before exiting. I walk out the back door and down the beach, looking at the scenery. I keep walking until I come to the pier, with all the shops and everything. I decide to buy myself a new bathing suit.

I open the door to the Surfing life and walk in, going straight for the bikini section. I go try a few on and finally decide on a floral one. Taking it up to the counter, I place it there, before pulling the money out of my pocket.

"Hey, how may I help you?" A familiar voice fills my ears.

My head shots up to the register person. And I find a familiar pair of eyes, staring right back at me. Anger flares up inside, but I try t keep it cool.

"Joe?" I ask in shock.

"Umm, yeah that's my name," he responds, awkwardly.

"Don't you remember me?" I ask, confused.

"Should I? Wait you do look familiar. Like my old best friend, Savannah. She died a few years back and I-," he chokes up a little and clears his throat. "I moved here, to disappear from that place, start fresh because I miss her so much and everything back there reminds me of her."

I stare at him with wide eyes. "S-she died?"

"Yeah, sorry, I had to put my life story on you," he chuckles.

God, I missed that laugh.

"You really look like her though. You really do. What was your name?"

"Savannah," I respond quietly.

"Wow, you even have the same name as her."

"Yeah, um here's the money. Keep the change I gotta go," I say quickly, grabbing the bikini and running out of the store.

When I get out I take a few deep breaths. He thinks I'm dead? Dad told me he just left and that's why I was angry at him for all those years. He thinks I'm dead! Dad lied to me!

I feel warm tears dripping down my face and I run home. I slam the door shut and walk straight into the living room, where Melissa and Dad are curled up on the couch.

"Savannah? What's wrong?" he asks, as soon as he see's my face.

"You lied to me dad! You lied to me," I yell.

"What are you talking about?" he asks.

"You know what I'm talking about!" I scream. "You know who I ran into today? Joe! And he thinks I'm dead!"

Dad's face goes pale. "I can't believe you lied to me! I can't believe it!" my voice breaks at the end and I run up to my room and cry into my pillow.

After a while I look up to a picture of Joe and I, when we were younger. All those memories come back to me. I can't believe my own father lied to me! After everything I've been through he still lies to me. I can't believe him. I just can't.

I hear knocking on my door followed by my dad's voice.

"Go away!" I sob.

"Honey, please I'm sorry!" he calls.

"No you're not. You lied to me. You took my best friend away from me and I can never forgive you for that."


Awww, poor Sav! She met Joe again! Damn, anyone else hate her dad right now? What are your opinions on Melissa? Think she's nice? Joe's a cutie. I love him <3

So I updated and this took me all night because I kept watching pretty little liars ahah.

So, stay tuned for next update!

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