Chapter 13

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“Savannah?” Joe pleads. “Please say something.”

“I don’t know what I’m supposed to say Joe,” I respond softly. “My mind is literally spinning right now.”

That’s not the only reason why my mind is spinning right now.

“It’s crazy isn’t it?” he asks. “But I’m pretty sure she’s alive.”


“Well, I couldn’t find her grave,” he states obviously.

“Is that the only reason?” I ask.

“Kind of. It’s just when they told me she was dead, I ran straight out of there. Didn’t wait to see if they could revive her. I was that in shock, that I just ran,” he states, shakily.

“Joe, you don’t have to explain,” I say softly, knowing how hard this is for him. When I woke up and was told that mum died; I lost it. Then when Joe wasn’t there; I felt like my life was over.

“Okay,” he responds. “But just think. It’s a possibility.”

“Joe,” I say. “I don’t think she’s alive.”

He looks at me in dis-belief. “I thought you were supposed to support me on this?”


“No,” he interjects. “This is why I tell you all of these things. I thought you would agree with me. But I guess I was wrong.”

“Joe,” I plead. “Just think about it. She couldn’t be alive. They would’ve contacted you.”

“They couldn’t,” his voice breaks. “By that time, I had already changed my number and my parents were already driving me to Nan and Pa’s, because we decided to move.”

I really miss Joe’s family. They were like my second family.

“Joe, you’re theory is ridiculous,” I respond. I know I’m pushing it. I should just tell him, but I can’t. I just can’t do it.

“Savannah!” he says in exasperation, throwing his hands in the air. “It’s like you don’t want me to think that. Its lik- wait a minute.”

He cuts off and stares at me in shock. “Are you actually Savannah? My best friend?”

My eyes widen and my draw goes slack. He’s really figured it out this time. “What?”

“You heard me,” he responds, taking a step closer. “Are you actually my best friend?”

I can’t speak. My mouth feels like it’s tapped up. I probably look like a fish, opening and closing my mouth. But I can’t help it. Dr. Sommerville said he can’t find out, I have to tell him. I open my mouth to tell him I actually am, but he just starts laughing.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. “Why are you laughing?”

“Y-you should have seen your face!” he states, between guffaws.

“What?” I ask. Okay, what the hell is happening right now?

“I was only messing with you Sav,” he laughs. “I know you’re not really my best friend. You would’ve told me if you were.”

He wraps an arm around my shoulder and we walk up the beach.

“Um, yeah,” I blink. “Of course I would’ve told you. I mean I’d be crazy not to.”

He grins at me. “I can always trust you.”

I am such a liar.

“I still think she’s alive though,” he brings back the previous conversation.

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