Chapter 7

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"Have you packed yet?" Larissa asks me, not looking up from her phone.

"We have another three days until we go you know?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I always pack super early. Saves doing it at the last minute," she points out.

"True, but if I pack early, I'm bound to forget something," I chuckle.

She laughs. "Sounds like you."

"Gee thanks," I stick my tongue out.

"Hey!" she protests, looking over at me. "I'm just agreeing to what you said!"

I roll my eyes, but say nothing else. Larissa goes back to playing on her phone. Groaning every few seconds.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"Huh?" she says, looking back over at me.

"Why do you keep getting angry at your phone?"

"Oh that. I'm playing flappy bird."

"No one even plays that anymore," I point out.

"Well obviously someone does, since I'm playing it," was her smart reply.

"Why am I friends with you again?" I tease.

"Because you love me," she replies, reaching over and flicking my nose.

"That's debatable."

This time she rolls her eyes. "You know you love me."

"Yeah yeah," I joke. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

She laughs. "We bicker a lot you know?"

"Yeah, it's what keeps us close."

She wrinkles her nose. "You're so weird."

That sends us into a fit of giggles until someone knocks on the door. I look over to Larissa in confusion and find her mirroring my expression. Usually when Melissa or Dad want something they just open my door.

"Who's that?" Larissa asks.

"I don't know," I draw out.

"Come in!" I yell.

The door opens and Cameron strolls in.

"Sav," he greets, nodding his head in my direction. "My lady," he greets Larissa, leaning down to give her a kiss.

"Hey," she giggles, kissing him back.

"Okay, woah. Too much PDA," I announce, covering my eyes.

"Sorry," Larissa says sheepishly.

"I'm not," Cameron replies smugly.

I roll my eyes. "Why are you here?"

"What? Do I have to have a reason to visit my two favourite ladies?" he asks, jumping onto my bed and squeezing in the middle of us, slinging an arm around our shoulders.

I rasie my eyebrows at him. 'What do you want?"

"Fine," he sighs, over dramatically, slipping his arms off our shoulders. "Do you both want  to sleep over at my house tonight?"

"Who's going?" I ask the same time Larissa says "sure."

"You're so hard to please," he teases, flicking my nose.

"Why does everyone keep flicking my nose?" I demand, throwing my hands up in the air.

This sends Larissa into a fit of guffaws. "Because you're so flick-able."

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