Chapter 9

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"So, I guess we're going to be plane buddies."

A groan instantly came out of my mouth. I look over at the blonde-haired bimbo, giving her a sickly-sweet smile. "We're going to have so much fun Lacey!"

Ignoring my sarcastic remark, she slides into the seat next to me. "I can't wait till we're in Michigan! Thanks so much for inviting me."

I scoff. "Technically, you invited yourself."

She smirks. "Well, it's not my fault Melissa loves me."

I roll my eyes. "Honey, hate to break it to you, but she doesn't love you - no one loves you."

"Everyone loves me."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

She gives me a glare, before turning away. I plug in my earphones and put them in my ear's drowning out the flight attendant's voice about the safety. I don't need to listen to that. I've heard it a hundred times before.

I know we've taken off when I feel my ear's pop. Looking out the plane window, my eye's fixate on the scenery, which soon turns into a bunch of clouds. Getting bored pretty quickly, I decide to watch a movie.

Scrolling through the list I decide on watching Frozen for the umpteenth time. The familiar starting comes on and I smile, settling back into my seat.

A few minutes into the movie I hear a snort beside me. Pausing the movie, I take one earphone out and look at Lacey, who is looking at me dis-believably.

"What?" I ask annoyed she has interrupted my movie watching.

"You're watching frozen?" she asks, incredulously.

I blink, looking back at the small television and then back at her. "Well, no shit Sherlock."

She keeps talking, unfazed by my comment. "That movie is for little kids. Oh wait, you are one."

 "That is seriously the worst comeback ever," I announce.

"Whatever," she huffs. "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Good! Stay in there for the rest of the flight would you!" I call out to her, as she walks away.

I sigh, finally some peace and quiet. Putting the earphones back in my ear's, I press play on frozen. Do you want to build a snowman? comes on and I start humming quietly to myself. 

Soon enough the movies over and we're almost landing. I turn off everything to get ready to descend. But, then I notice Lacey hasn't come back from the bathroom yet. Did she really take my advice and stay in the toilet?

Confused, I tap Cameron on the shoulder. He's sitting in front of me with Larissa and Joe and Caitlin are behind Lacey and I. 

Cameron turns around and gives me a questioning look. 

"Where's Lacey?" I ask him.

"I don't know. Didn't you say to her to wait in the bathroom until the flight is over?" he asks.

"Yeah, well. I didn't think she'll take it seriously," I huff, leaning back in my seat and crossing my arms.

"You actually miss her?" he smirks.

"No!" I deny, a little to loudly. "My parents will kill me if I loose her."

"Okay. You don't need to yell."

"Shut up!"

"There goes the yelli- Ow!"

"You deserve it," I smirk.

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