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I groan in pain as I drop the box onto the floor of my new apartment. It's close to my university, Michigan State University. Yes, after completing high school in May, we moved back to Michigan to go to college. And by we I mean, Joe and I.

We have been dating for a year and a month now, it's amazing how time flies. All throughout my senior year we were going strong. So, the day of graduation, Joe surprised me, informing me that he bought us an apartment. Of course I jumped into his arms, showering him with kisses. I think he was pretty happy with that reaction, seeing as he couldn't take the smile of his face.

"This is the last box," Joe calls, bringing it into our living room. I smile at him as he drops it on the floor. Once he's done, he comes over to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. "It's perfect, isn't it?" He whispers into my ear. "Just how I imagined us."

I smile, turning my head around to kiss him. I place a soft kiss on his lips, before pulling away. "It's perfect, you're perfect."

He grins, pulling me in for another kiss. "Babe, you're way more perfect than me."

I roll my eyes, wriggling out of his grasp. I start over at the bedroom boxes, opening it. I look through it before closing again and luging it into our room. When I open the door, I instantly gasp. The rooms massive!

There's already a bed situated in the middle of the room against the wall, which makes sense because when Joe bought this, he bought it furnished. It's a perfect double bed, which definitely would fit us both. On the side are two bedside tables, one with flowers on the top and the other bare. The floor is made out of wood, which I absolutely love. Some people prefer to have carpet floors, but to have wood floors, it kind of gives out a beach-y theme. The whole room is basically white. I plan to keep it that way because like, as I said before, I want it to be beached theme. So when I unpack I'm going to put photos around the wall, maybe even go out to buy some frames.

The room also has an ensuite. We have a spa bath, a twin shower - it's not like I'll be sharing a shower with Joe anytime soon -, a really fancy toilet and a sink. Unfortunately the room doesn't have a walk in wardrobe like I was hoping, but nonetheless, I love it. In fact, the closet that we have has sliding mirrors as the doors, so that's okay.

"Do you like the room?" Joe asks, coming in with our other bedroom box.

"It's amazing," I reply honestly, opening my box. Joe smiles at me as I pull out our accessories. I find my alarm clock, which I put on the bare bedside table. I take the pictures out, placing the, next to a wall to remind myself to buy some frames to put them up. Once I've emptied my accessories for our room, I walk back into the living room where our boxes lay, grabbing the one titled 'Savannah's Clothes.' I then process to take that to our room and placing all of my clothes in the wardrobe.

It takes the next few hours to sort everything out and unpack. We didn't have to unpack a whole load though, the apartment was furnished a little. I decide to make some pasta for lunch, making sure to make a bunch. Larissa, Cameron, Sienna, Lisa, Caitlin and her boyfriend Nathan are coming over for lunch. Larissa and Cameron moved to Michigan as well, whereas Caitlin and Nathan are going to UCLA.

Over the past year, we made amends with Caitlin, much to Lacey's dismay. We talked it out and she was fine with it, telling us she has another boyfriend. They have been dating for about nine months now and they are seriously cute together. Since we made friends with Caitlin again she started sitting with us at lunch, but Lacey still has this grudge against us, so she stopped hanging around Caitlin. Nobody knows where she is now or what university she goes too.

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