Chapter 5

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"So let me get this straight. Joe thinks your dead?" Larissa asks for confirmation.

"That's right," I nod my head.

"And it's all because of you father?"

"Yep," I respond popping the 'p'.

"Wow," she says in shock.

"It's alot to take in. The worst part is I blamed him for four years! For leaving me behind and it wasn't even his fault," I whisper, tears starting to form again

She sighs pulling me into a hug. I sob quietly into her shoulder, before pulling away.

"Thanks," I say with a grateful smile.

"Anytime. Well I better get home. I kinda just ran out of the house without telling my parents where I was going," she says sheepishly.

I chuckle, wiping away the remaining tears. "Sounds like you."

"Hey! I take offence to that!"

"What? I'm just stating the truth," I snicker.

"I don't even know why I'm friends with you," she says with mock-hurt. "You wound me."

"Yeah, yeah," I respond. "Get used to it."

She grins at me. "I'll see you later!"

She walks out of my room and I sit on my bed with a smile one my face. What would I do if I didn't have her?


"Hello, Sav. How have you been?" Dr Sommerville's voice asks.

"It's been a tough couple of days," I respond.

I shift the phone closer to my ear. "Tell me what has happened."

I go over the events of the past few days. Talking with him makes me feel better. He's the only one who truly understands my problems.

"Wow," he says after I finished my rant. "I'll talk to your father about this situation and then get back to you, alright?"

I nod but then remember that he can't see me. "Okay, thank you."

"No problem. Now tell me about Joe. Is he different than what you remember?"

I lie back on my bed. "No he's exactly the same. The same fun-loving guy. But this is what I don't get. I instantly recognized him, shouldn't he recognize me?"

"Well, not necessarily. He thinks you're dead and when he saw you, he might've thought that you looked like his best friend."

"Oh, I guess that makes sense," I respond, taking it all in. "Thanks, Dr. I really needed this talk."

"Anytime sweetie. Call me whenever you need something. Do you still want names of therapists over there?"

"No, I think I'll just stick to ringing you."

"Okay. Bye Sav," he says, before hanging up.

I slip my phone back into my pocket and walk downstairs to get a bite to eat. I go to the fridge, sticking my head inside to get a better view of the food, when a voice startles me.

"How are you doing?" Melissa asks.

I jump startled hitting my head on the top of the fridge. "Ow."

"Sorry," she laughs.

I turn around and rub my head, sticking my tongue out at her. She laughs again. Why is she in a happy mood?

I raise my eye-brows at her.

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