Chapter 2: We Get Along... For the Most Part

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To no surprise, the bathroom was occupied by Hayley the entire morning, her chucking up of whatever was left from yesterday. Thankfully the horrid noise of her puking ended before I decided to get out of bed. As I walked out of my room, Hayley exited the bathroom, rubbing her temples with a slight groan.

We made our way to the kitchen table where Hayley rested her head on her arms with a pained sigh. I grabbed a cup and filled it with water.

"Bottoms up," I said as I placed the glass in front of her, not purposely trying to sound ironic. Hayley looked up at me with her small smile, last night's makeup still smeared about her face.

"Thanks, York," she said as she started to sip at the water. That was one thing about Hayley. She rarely called me Taylor, but my title will always be my last name to her. Maybe she knows too many Taylors to keep up. I dismissed my curious thoughts, not wanting any of these hidden words spilled.

"You need to be careful, Hayley," I said as I took her empty glass, a part of the rim being stained by her day-old lipstick, and put it in the sink. Hayley snickered at my words, like she always did.

"I'll be fine," she said as she smiled back at me, this time it being full. "Sure, I get a massive headache afterwards, but it's all worth it." I wanted to argue back, telling her that these parties and drinking were not at all worth it. I kept my mouth shut as I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and the cereal nearby. I gave Hayley a slight shrug, no expression with it as I took the milk out the fridge.

"York, you're so quiet," Hayley said as she studied me. "What goes on up there, tell me." I gave her another shrug as I took a spoonful of my breakfast. I didn't want to tell her my thoughts and curiosities that tend to haunt me at night.

"What're doing today, York? Any plans?"

"No," I said after swallowing. Hayley gave me a toothy grin I couldn't trust. I studied her, fear probably visible in my face.

"Let's chill," she said. "You and me."

"Do what?" I asked, then realized how bad that sounded as a response. "Doing what?" I corrected.

"Hell, anything!" she chuckled. "I gotta get ready for another party tonight and I need a new outfit."

"Hayley," I toned, giving her a stern glare. She glared back, it being playful.

"York," she toned back, mimicking me. "I can't miss this party."

"You say that about every party," I said with a huff.

"I know, I know," she giggled. "But really."

"Same. You say that about every party," I repeated, used to all of her comebacks.

"Well, c'mon York," she chuckled as she got up and dragged me to the door, grabbing her bag on the way. "You're coming with me." I couldn't argue it, even if I forced myself to. We walked over to my car and got in, Hayley taking the wheel. I felt my stomach tighten into small knots at the sight.

"We're gonna go to the club; get my car; go to my house; I'll get freshened up and change; and we'll take my car to the mall and find some outfits for the party." Hayley finished her spoken list with a grin that she flashed towards me. "Sounds fun, huh?"


"Thought so, York. Let's bust it!" Hayley started the car.


"What do you think of this?" Hayley asked as she emerged from the dressing stall with red jeans and a black leather crop top. I shrugged, not interested in shopping. Not interested in any of the things Hayley found excitement in. What goes on in her head?

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