Prologue: Meetings

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Madison walked down the cold street looking down at her phone with a large smile. Her life was perfect and there was nothing that could change that. She was absolutely sure of it.

The wind was blowing fiercely outside, but Madison was oblivious to it... or well, she wanted to be. The more she thought about things, the more they bothered her. And she was perfectly okay with ignoring things.

The wind, amongst other things, wasn't something she meant to ignore. It just happened naturally, instinctively almost.

A message appeared from the man of her dreams, Gabriel. He was everything she'd ever wanted in a man. Her heart sped up as she texted him back.

Madison made her way to a store on the corner; one she had been in a number of times: Tilly's. Gabriel loved Tilly's, and Madison planned to buy him a new outfit.

It was absolutely normal for her to buy him new clothes, he did the same for her. That's just how they were. They were the perfect couple. Who wouldn't want to be them?

"Welcome to Tilly's, need any help looking for anything?" A guy asked her as she walked in.

"No thank you." She said without even glancing his way. Her eyes browsed over the selections in the store. She searched for something Gabriel would like, just as he messaged her.

Babyyy I miss you so much. Let's go out to dinner tonight? I'm paying :)

She giggled happily to herself and agreed to it. She sighed with a huge smile on her face and looked at a shirt. It was definitely something her boyfriend would wear, she knew it.

"I personally think that shirt is hideous, but there are more that I love over here." She heard a voice say. She turned and there was a girl there. She was short with short, curly black hair coming through a backwards hat. She had a beautiful, cute, yet masculine face with big brown eyes. Her skin was tan and she dressed nice, yet so differently from Gabriel. "Woah." The girl muttered to herself as she looked at Madison.

Madison could see that the girl worked there at Tilly's. On her name tag was Avery. She had sweat coming from her forehead and her mouth was wide open.

"Uhh, are you okay?" Avery swallowed then nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I–I... do I know you?" Madison looked around.

"No... I don't think so." Madison told her slowly, confused. She began to walk away and Avery stared at her.

"So beautiful." Avery whispered as Madison walked away. She couldn't help but have a small red tinge come to her cheeks as she heard it. But, she ignored it.

She shook her head and looked back at the girl who was staring into space muttering to herself.

Fucking weirdo. Madison thought to herself before looking for more clothes. She couldn't help but look back at her once more, but the girl had left, leaving Madison in her thoughts.

It was weird, she'd never had someone do that. Nor did a random person ever just say she was beautiful.

Madison finally found an outfit she knew would look great on her boyfriend and went to checkout. She hoped she wouldn't get that Avery girl, but to her disappointment, she did. She gave the girl a fake smile. She couldn't help but be flattered by what she said, but her mind told her she should be weirded out.

"You find everything you were looking for?" Avery asked her nervously.

"Yes, thank you." Madison told her looking down in her purse for money.

"Uh, can I ask your name? I'm Avery, but I'm sure you could see that." She laughed weirdly, nervously almost.

"Madison." Madison replied, feeling uncomfortable. Avery nodded quickly.

"Nice. I–I like it... I'm sorry, I know I don't know you, I'm probably freaking you out. But I just think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. I know that's weird and there's no way you don't have a boyfriend, in fact you're probably shopping for him now but..." She took a deep breath. "I just wanted to tell you. Though I'm sure you knew you were beautiful already, I just–"

"Thank you." Madison said blushing a little and taking her bag. "Very much." Avery swallowed and nodded quickly.

"I'm really sorry I know I'm being weird. I hope you have a great day, please shop with us again." She told Madison, looking down at her hands. She felt bad for her for some odd reason.

"You too... I really appreciated that, but yes I do have a boyfriend." Avery looked up at her and nodded with a small smile.

"Goodbye." She told her. Madison stared at her before quickly walking away. "Maybe in another life." She heard Avery whisper.

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