Chapter 18: The Beginning

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Avery's POV

I left practice, and Xander was by me. Madison couldn't come today, she had a lot of homework to catch up on. I didn't mind, of course. We didn't have to be around each other every day.

My phone rang and it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hasn't it been calling you all day?" Xander asked me. I frowned and nodded. I didn't usually answer calls from unknown numbers, but this one was persistent. I pressed accept.


"Avery. About time you answered. Did you miss me?" I froze, hearing the voice. "Yeah, I thought you would. You sure look like you do." I looked around and he laughed.

"Why don't you show yourself?" Xander looked at me confused.

"What fun with that be? I know you'd just try to kill me... just like you did with my sister."

"Your sister hurt me, she pulled a gun on me!" He laughed again at my anger.

"Whatever. Here's what you're going to do. You're going to break up with that girl, because I've got something you want." I raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you still talking to that bitch?" Xander asked, trying to take the phone. I shook my head and kept it to my ear. I was curious, what could be good enough that he'd think I'd break up with Madison?

"What is it?" He told me and I froze. "You're lying."

"Nope. And if you listen to what I say and do as I say, you'll get what you want. I'll prove it to you now." I heard a message and I saw a video sent to me. Xander looked over.

"Wow..." He said, his mouth wide. "You two were–" I pushed him away and he frowned. "Sorry." I grew angry and I looked around again.

"Bring your ass out here now!" He chuckled.

"Sorry, gotta go! I'll let you know, as soon as any police are involved, I'm setting it free. I'll call you with more details later, when you're alone. And Avery, don't forget, that's only the first thing I've got on you." He hung up and Xander stared at me.

"What're you going to do?" I sighed and pushed my hair back.

"I don't know." I told him, feeling close to tears. "I can't let them show everyone that video of Madison and I. She'd be so embarrassed and so pissed at me. I'm the one who convinced her that it'd be safe to do that in a locker room. That no one would see or hear us." His eyes softened.

"Avery, you had no idea."

"That doesn't make it right man! I still did it! Had we not been in there he wouldn't have anything on me!" I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. I could just imagine Connor laughing at me somewhere, watching that video of Madison and I. "I know he's probably been watching me, waiting for a chance to get at me."

I shook my head and went to my car. I was pissed. I heard Xander calling behind me, but I ignored him, getting in.

I knew that if he ever showed his face, I'd kill him.

You're mad now, and I know you know where I live. I dare you to come by.

I huffed, yeah I'm going there, to beat his ass. Madison and I had been through enough.

I started up my engine and sped towards his house. Madison called me and I looked down at the phone. I wanted to answer so bad and I pulled over.

"Hey baby." I heard her say. She sounded so happy, I smiled.

"Hey love, what's going on?"

"Nothing, how'd practice go?"

"It was a shitty practice honestly."

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