Chapter 25: The Beetle

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Madison's POV

My heart raced as Avery thrown to the ground by those guys. They'd hit her so hard, I just knew she was hurt. Her helmet was thrown off of her head and her eyes were closed.

"It scared me to see you like that." I told her, sitting beside her in her bed. "Over and over again. I don't get why you didn't just sit out. You guys had already won." She'd been taken to the hospital and now we were at her house. She'd had broken ribs and a concussion, just as her dad said.

"You sound like PaPa." She told me, smiling. I shook my head at her, aggravated that she didn't take it seriously.

"Yeah, because it's the truth! I was worried about you Avery! I didn't think you'd get up that last time. You may not think it's a big deal, but... never mind." I told her, shaking my head. I rubbed my arms and sighed, maybe I am making a big deal out of it all. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Don't just drop it babe." I felt the bed shift and her arms wrap around me and she took a shallow breath.

"Don't hurt yourself Ave, please." I opened my eyes and she sat beside me, staring at me.

"It's fine, I just turned the wrong way." I studied her face and nodded. I leaned my head on her shoulder and she sighed. "I'm really sorry I scared you. I know football is dangerous and they were throwing me around. It honestly scared me at some points." I rubbed her cheek and she leaned into it. "You're right though, I should stop putting myself in so much danger." I raised my eyebrow and nodded.

"You think?" She laughed and winced.

"Maybe. I just didn't want them to win Mads."

"You guys were ahead." She shook her head.

"I mean mentally. They won last time. I switched schools after the bullying. I ran. But this time, I had to stay in it. I didn't want them to think they beat me and I was afraid of them. I didn't want to run away again." I stared at her, understanding now.

"They're such assholes. I'd kick all of their asses if I could!" She smiled.

"You're so strong and fiesty." I rolled my eyes and ran a hand through her hair.

"Whatever. I'm being serious."

"I know." I nodded and kissed her. "I won't scare you like that again, okay?"


"I love y–"

"I love you more." I told her before she finished. She grinned and poked my nose.

"I also think Rhea was at the game today." She mumbled quietly.

"Why's she been following you so much?"

"I... don't know. She said it was only to apologize, but I don't see why she'd be there again."

"Do you think she's going to be a problem again?"

"I hope not." We laid back into the bed, though it was a bit hard for her. I helped her in and pulled her shirt off.

"You trying to strip me down?" She asked winking at me. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"No sex for you for a while with those ribs, so nope!"

"Well, you can still sit on someone's face when they have broken ribs." She smirked.

"Shut up." I mumbled, shaking my head at her. "Go to sleep." I said, throwing a pillow at her head. I laid beside her and she laughed.

"I'm just saying, if you ever get horny and–"

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