Chapter 16: Being Together

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Avery's POV

"Hike!" I yelled, snapping the ball. I threw it down the field to an open receiver and he caught it.

"Good play Avery!" Luis called. "Now, go for a run." He said as he ran over to me. I nodded and the line got ready.

"Hike!" I yelled again. I faked like I was looking around and made the motion with my arm to pass. In a split second, I was running the other way. I saw Xander coming to me and I grinned and spun out of his reach. I ran faster, seeing someone coming behind me and from the left. I dived as I saw the touchdown.

"Great fucking run!" Luis yelled across the field. The other two guys I saw behind me were Ike and Benji. They slapped my helmet.

"Good job man, with this, there's no way we'll ever lose a game." Ike said, trying to catch his breath. I jogged back to the line with a grin on my face. I felt amazing. Everything was going so well.

After practice, I began walking to my car. I heard someone behind me and I turned around.

"Oh, Gabriel. Did you come to see the boys play again?" I asked him. I had no reason to hate him anymore, I'd gotten Madison. He smirked and kept walking to me. He pushed me up against a wall and my stuff fell from my hands.

"No, I came to beat your ass. You took her from me. Did you know we've been talking?" I pursed my lips, not believing him.

"Uhh, no you don't. I don't believe you." He grinned.

"Oh yeah? Go check. Ask her why she wasn't answering your phone calls last night until ten." My mouth dropped and I shook my head. I felt myself getting angry. "If she left me, she'd leave you in a heartbeat. Let's not forget who had her first. Who was in her first?"

"Gabriel, just let me go. I've got her now, just get over it." I told him, starting to shake from anger. He laughed.

"You can't fight. I heard about it already." Yeah... I'll bet you did. He punched me in my face and I tried to contain my anger. He punched me again and kneed me in my stomach. I fell to the ground, but stood quickly. I didn't like to fight, I didn't like violence, which is why I always gave him the chance to leave. I'd had too much violence around me growing up.

"Gabriel, why are you doing this? I'll just tell her about it afterwards." I told him, in pain. He pushed me, banging my head against the wall. I didn't want to hurt him, but I didn't want him hurting me.

I pulled him by his collar, throwing him against the wall.

His eyes widened and he tried to punch me but I punched him instead, making his head hit the wall. I didn't feel anything but anger and I kneed him in his stomach. I held him there, sneering at him. He spit in my face so I punched him in his gut. He wheezed and I stared at him, before punching him again, knowing I at least bruised a rib.

"You give up yet?" I asked him, my eyebrow raised.

"You're fucking crazy!" He told me, his eyes wide, holding his stomach.

"That should teach you not to try anything like this again."

"Avery? Babe, where are you?" I heard Madison call as Gabriel's eyes widened. I dropped him and turned to look at Madison. My anger disappeared and I sighed. "Avery! What happened?" She inspected my face then looked at him.

"I didn't want to. He tried to catch me off guard, I had to defend myself." I looked down at my hands and she cupped my face.

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