Chapter 4: Pro Bowling

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Avery's POV

Days turned to weeks and time passed by quickly as Madison and I quickly became good friends.

We talked every night and I walked her to her classes. I really don't think she thought much of it and I was honestly just happy to be her friend. She seemed to be getting happier and happier with her stinky boyfriend and I was fine with it.

Well, I was actually very jealous, but we aren't going into that.

She was with him first and I couldn't change anything about that.

"You totally like her Avery." Xander told me Thursday when I was at his house.

"Don't even know who you're talking about." I told him, focusing on Madden. I passed the ball to an open guy and scored a touchdown. "YEAHHHH!" I heard my phone chime and I looked at my messages to see "Madssssss 😝". Yes, she had given me her number now that we were actually friends. I paused the game to answer her.

You're totally right, but he's mad at me again for not being able to go with him tonight. I wish I could, but he doesn't know that Mom doesn't even like him.

Wow, that's insane. He can't be angry with you, you're seventeen and still living with your parents. He can't come first for everything, he has to realize that you have your own life. I can see why she doesn't like him though ;) nah I'm kidding. She'll warm up to him.

"Her. Look at you, stopping our game to answer her." I rolled my eyes, trying to keep up my lie.

"She's literally dating one of your friends, nosy ass." I was joking, I didn't mind him looking. Xander had become a good friend to me.

"Yeah, one of which who is a major cry baby. He doesn't deserve that girl, he only worries about himself. You on the other hand, I can tell you have real feelings for her." I shrugged, trying to be nonchalant. I didn't want to get Madison in trouble, but I trusted Xander.

Besides, another friend, Frankie was here but in the bathroom.

"I mean, you're right in a way. I don't want to break them up though, she's happy. So, I'm fine with us being friends. We haven't even know each other for long."

I wish he did understand that. I might have to talk with him about it, but it's like he doesn't even listen. And haha very funny. It's been eight months she doesn't like him now, she won't at all.

"I know you get tired of her talking about him." Xander told me, peering over my shoulder.

Yeah, talk to him and make sure he listens. You gotta tell him that he needs to listen. But I mean it could take years for her to like him, you've got to just let her know it's serious. Only if you think it is, otherwise you could still me a chance. Never too late for that.

"Woah, you flirt with her too?"

"Yeah yeah, I do, only because I know she likes the guy. And about me getting tired of it, I do, but none of her friends really listen to her well, so I will." He nodded and sat back.

"Yeah, well, since you're that into her, I was meaning to ask you if you wanted to come bowling tomorrow. She'll be there, but so will Gabriel." I looked down at my hands then back at him.

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