A Glimpse Of Dauntless Life

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Bea's POV

**Time skip: after Bea's initiation (y'all already know what happened and I'm to lazy to write it)**

First. I ranked first in Dauntless initiation!

I feel a tap on my shoulder and come face-to-chest with Toby.

"Do you think a hug will give away too much?" Toby asks with a smirk.

"You know what, I don't care anymore," I stand on my tip toes and press my lips to his.

"When did this happen?" Chris asked annoyed.

"Umm... Long story?" I mutter, though it sounds like a question.

"Well, start yapping. I've got time," she snaps.

"Well, what happened was-"

I get cut off by a screaming Zeke.


"We have got to go shopping, Tris!!" 

"I umm... A little help here, Four?" I say turning to Toby.

"We're busy, maybe another time," Toby explains while wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Ohhh... You mean some addition? Multiplication?" She smirks while doing her famous Christina Eyebrow wiggle.

"That is the worst joke I've ever heard," I mutter.

"Whatever," she says in a sing-song voice.

"You're such a pansycake..." Toby says quietly.

I'm trying really hard not to laugh.

"What did you say?" Christina snaps

"Woah, Chrissy, calm down! And... I thought you were afraid of Four?" I smirk.

"Was afraid of Four, not anymore," she corrects.

"Hey! I'm scary! What happened?" Four counters, fake hurting.

I think he's glad someone bad idea me and Cas isn't afraid of him.

"The fact that you're claiming you're scary happened. And that you're dating my best friend,"

"We never said we were dating," I but in.

"Then why is his arm around your waist?" She crosses her arms, "and when you told me, you but the inside of your cheek. It's your tell,"

I instantly throw my hand up to cover my mouth.

"If it helps, I've noticed what Four's is,"

I look up at Toby. He is Scarlet red.

"Really? What is it?"

"He scratches the back of his neck and the tips of his ears get red,"

"Stupid, Candor..." he whispers.

"No, he scratches the back of his neck when he's nervous, not when he's lying," I explain.

"Woah, the legendary Four nervous?" Uriah marvels.

How long has he been standing here?

"Shut up, Uriah," Toby hisses.

I smirk and turn into his side.

He smells like fresh air, metal, and apples. He smells safe;smells like home.

"Come on, Be- er, Tris," Toby almost said my nickname!

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