Simple and Beautiful

442 11 1

** Time lapse: about five months**

Previously on: The Forgotten Eaton:

The man with a...

Now, on with the story!

Bea's POV

Tobias grasps my hand tighter and smiles down at me. We are seated in the front row of Cas' spelling bee. In her time here, we have discovered that she is madly intelligent, and an exceptional speller. 

"Cassandra, your word is: Apostrophe." The judge calls in a bored tone. Cas steps toward the microphone and taps it once.

"A-P-O-S-T-R-O-P-H-E. Apostrophe." Cas grins slightly but it grows when the little bell dings.

"Yes!" Tobias cheers, gaining a few strange looks. He grins sheepishly and shrugs when he sees the look on my face. 

"You're an idiot." I mumble and he wraps his arm around my shoulders and I nuzzle into his side.

"No PDA!" Uriah hisses jokingly behind us. I glare and he grins like an idiot. 

The spelling bee goes on for about another half hour, until it's down to just two people: Cas and some kid who's about two years older than her.

"Michael, your word is: euphemism." Another judge calls.

"E-U-P-H-E-M-S-M. Euphemism." The boy-- Michael-- states proudly. 

The judge shakes her head and says sadly, "I'm sorry, but that's incorrect." She turns to Cas. "Cassandra, your word is hyphen."

Cas steps up to the microphone for the final time and leans toward it. 

"H-Y-P-H-E-N. Hyphen." Cas mumbles softly, nervously.

"Correct, Cassandra." The judges stand up. "the winner is: Cassandra!" The crowd erupts in cheers and Tobias, both Pedrads, the gang, and I rush to the stage and Tobias lifts Cas onto his shoulders and she yelps. 

"You go, M.N.!" Zeke shouts and Cas laughs. The judge, a middle aged woman with dark skin and dark eyes comes up and hands Cas the first place trophy. 

"Congratulations, Cassandra." She smiles and walks off. 

"Yeah!" We all cheer. 

"Who's up for a game of C or D?!" Tobias asks and we cheer louder, Cas, Zeke, and Uriah the loudest. 

* * * * 

The gang, Tobias, and I all storm into Tobias and I's apartment and situate ourselves in the living room. Tobias sits on the armchair, and me in his lap, his arm around my waist; my back pressed against his chest. Lynn sits in the armchair across from us, legs over the other arm. Zeke and Shauna sit on the sofa shoulder to shoulder and Chris and Will sit on the other side, closest to Tobias and I. Uriah and Mar sit on the floor and Cas lays on the floor. 

"Okay, I'm going first!" Cas shouts, nobody objects.  "Okay, Toby. C or D?" 

"I'm Dauntless, aren't I?" Tobias jokes. 

"Okay, Toby, I dare you to... Go down to the cafeteria and get me a piece of Dauntless cake." Cas grins.

"Fine." Tobias replies and stands up to go to the cafeteria. I sit down where he was siting and close my eyes. 

"You tired?" Chris asks. I smile.

"Nope," I open my eyes again. "I'm fine." 

Tobias comes in a moment later and hands Cas a piece of dauntless cake, causing her to squeal in joy. He comes over to me and raises his eyebrows, I grin. Then he grabs me by the waist and sits down, placing me on his lap. I roll my eyes. 

"You guys are strange." Lynn mumbles, mostly to herself. Cas points her fork at her.

"Don't say that!" She lectures. "They're adorable." 

"I'm not adorable." Tobias growls.

"Yes you are, don't even fight me on this." I look up at him and grin. He rolls his eyes. 

"Four, it's your turn." Will points out.

"Okay, Bea. C or D?" 

"Uh, I have no motivation to move, so Candor." I lean backwards so my back is pressed against his chest and I can feel the steady thump t-thump of his heart.

"Okay, will you marry me?" he asks calmly. 

"Yeah-- wait, what?!" My yes widen when I realize what he said. He lifts me off his lap and gets down onto the floor, down on one knee. He holds a box. 

"Bea, will you marry me?" He grins shyly and I leap into his embrace.

"Yes!" I scream and accidentally knock him onto the floor, me on top of him. Just like the day before he transferred by the river. Tobias laughs and hold me to his chest.

"Finally! Toby, it sure did take you a while to ask her!" Cas laughs and I glance up at her.

"A while? How long have you known?" I question and hear Tobias groan. Cas smiles again.

"Oh, about a year, give or take a few months." 

"A year? How long have you been planning this?" I look over at Tobias.

"I have no idea, a long time." He replies and helps me to my feet and we both sit back on the armchair. The gang sits with dropped jaws. 

"What?" I brush a strand of blond hair out of my face and grin. Tobias laces his fingers with mine.

"You guys are getting married..." Chris mumbles in shock.

"Ew, love. But congratulations." Lynn adds. As the gang gives their congratulations and best wishes, Zeke jumps to his feet. 

"HOLY S***, FOUR IS GETTING MARRIED!" He bellows, we all laugh, except Tobias. He glares at Zeke. "What? Ask any girl, or boy for that matter, if they ever thought Four would get married." 

"I mean, he has a point." I joke.


* * * * 

The game continued for another few hours, and all that time, I never could wipe the grin off my face, and Tobias never took his hand away from mine. Zeke and Uriah made fun of us the entire time. The gang left about ten minutes ago. 

I look down at my hand and my eyes fall on my ring. It is a simple silver band with a clear jewel. It is beautiful and simple. I love it. 

"Bea? Where are you?" Tobias calls from outside the bedroom door.

"In here." I respond and he opens the door and grins. 

"You okay?" 

"Yeah," I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck and his hands fall to a rest on my waist. "I love you."

"I love you, too." He whispers in my ear.

"I cannot wait until we are married." I mumble into his shoulder, since I'm not tall enough to reach his neck.

"Nor can I." 

Okay, I have no idea where this idea came from, but it just worked this way. Hope y'all liked! Remember: READ, VOTE, and COMMENT! Bye, Pansycakes!

-Love, Emily

Be brave

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