An Angel, A Soldier, and Spider Man

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Cas' POV 

"Chris, how many times do I have to tell you that it is going to be a small wedding?" Bea hisses at Christina, who is trying to get her to have this huge wedding. 

"This is a once in a life time thing!" She shouts and glances over at Toby. "Hopefully... Once in a lifetime thing..." 

"Hey!" Toby shouts and Bea laughs, leaning against his side. He wraps his arms around her small body and pulls her into his lap, kissing her cheek playfully. She squeals and scrunches her face. 

"Hey, wedding plans!" Christina shouts. 

"Can we take a break?' Bea whines.

"Why?" Christina asks. 

"Because we can get everything planned after lunch. It's not that hard, seriously. Watch." Bea says and turns to Toby. "Where should it be at?" 

"The chasm." He responds.

"Okay, colours?" Bea writes something down.

"Black, deep red, and white." He says.

"Okay, bridesmaids... All the girls, Cas, will you be my maid of honor or whatever it's called?"

"Yes!" I cheer and she writes something down.

"Okay, groomsmen?" She turns back to Toby.

"All the guys, I'll ask Zeke to be best man." He replies and kisses Bea's cheek, then the skin right below her ear.

"Okay then." Christina abruptly stands up and grabs her stuff. "I'll be back tomorrow, when we go and get the dresses." Bea groans in annoyance. She hates shopping. I hear her sigh softly when Toby grabs her hand and kisses her cheek again. 

"Bye-bye!" Bea shouts like a child and I chuckle. "Let's finish planning." 

* * * * 

"Ugh." I groan and flop backwards onto the chair. Wedding planning takes forever. 

"We are finally done!" Bea shouts and tries to stand up, but Toby pulls her back down. 

"Nope, you're not getting up." He grins at her response. He leans forward and whispers something i her ear that I can't understand, but she seems to find it funny. 

"I'm cold." I complain and Bea smiles. 

"It's almost Fall, we should get you a winter coat. I need a new one as well." Bea says and I grin. Being in Abnegation, I never had a winter coat, or a coat that wasn't a light jacket so people wouldn't be suspicious.

"Really?" I ask nervously. I'm still rather weary when people think of me, expecially after living with The Monster in Grey for twelve yeas of my life who never noticed me, or noticed me too much.

"Well, of course. It's getting cold, and it can get even colder here since we're basically in an underground city." Bea shrugs. 

"Yeah, and I have a feeling I know why you're wondering why we would do that." Toby says and I raise my eyebrows, telling him to continue. "As children, we were never given winter coats, just  light jackets. Most Abnegation children got them, but we didn't. We never understood why, but we soon learned that Marcus--The Monster in Grey--had something to do with it. You're curious, but scared. Scared that something will happen, but curious what it's like to be like everyone else." 

I never though of it that way... But I guess he's right, as always. I grin slightly, it would be nice to be normal for a change. 

Bea leans back into Toby's chest, and grins slightly when he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her back, however that's even possible. They've been showing a lot more PDA, but I normally don't care, or pretend not to notice. 

* * * * 

"Hall-o-ween?" I ask, tilting my head to the side. "What's that?"

"It's a holiday where people dress up in strange costumes." Toby says and Bea grins. "They see who has the most creative costume, and people give the children sweets." 

"Sweets? What kind of sweets?" I ask again.

"Depends on who's giving it." Bea says. "Some people just dress up for fun, or for parties. Zeke and Uriah normally have a Halloween party and everybody at Dauntless goes, but only the gang stays after." 

"Are we going?" 

"Of course." Toby replies. "I'm not dressing up." 

"Yes, you are." Bea says sternly. 

"No, I'm not." He replies. 

"Yes." She says in a tone that says 'this conversation is over, I am right.' 

"Fine," He gives in. "We can get everything after e get the coats." 

"Yay!" I cheer. We walk into a store called Dauntless Winter. There is so much winter and fall stuff, shoes and clothes, foods, and some sort of bi tree with lights. Strange. 

"Come on, I'll help you find one." Bea says. We walk around until Bea finds a leather jacket with grey fur around the hood that she likes and I find a deep red one that comes down to my knees and buttons up. 

After finding both coats, we check out and go back to Toby. 

"You finally done?" He asks with a grin. 

"Shut up, we were in there for twenty minutes." Bea hisses, humor in her voice. 

* * * * 

"Right here," Toby says and points to a store called Holiday Fashion. It's filled with costumes and accessories. It's strange, but fascinating. 

"I know what I'm going as, what do you what to go as, Cas?" Bea asks once we get inside. 

"I don't know." I reply. "I'll just look around until I see something I like." 

"Okay," Bea says and starts to walk around. She finds a pretty white dress with ruffles and white sandles.

"What are you going as?" I gesture at her dress.

"Am angel." She replies and smiles. "I'm curious to know what you're going as." 

"Okay... How about this?" I hold up a costume that is blue and red with spider webs. There is a spider on the front.

"That's a boys costume." Bea raises her eyebrows. "Aren't you going to get a girls costume?" 

"Eh, this one is cool. What's it called?" I ask.

"Spider Man." Bea raises her eyebrows again. 

"I like it." I say. "I'll be Spider Man." 

"You are so much like your brother..." Bea mumbles. I grin. Toby walks over to us, a costume in his hand.

"What did you guys pick?" He asks.

"I'm going as an angel--I've got to find wings--and Cas is going as Spider Man." Bea says.Toby doesn't look surprised. "What are you going as?"

"Well, since you forcibly made me, a soldier." He says. 

"Nice. So we have an angel, a soldier, and Spider Man. Normal." I smile. 

"Come on, let's gt back. We still have wedding plans to make." Bea says and Toby groans. I laugh.

Hi! Sorry it has been so long since I updated! Since it is almost Halloween, I decided to do a Halloween chapter. What are y'all going as? I'm going as a book character... Tris Prior, the scene after she gets attacked by the chasm. Don't judge, I've been planning this since January. Hope y'all liked it! Remember: READ, VOTE, and COMMENT! Bye, Pansycakes!

-Love, Emily

Be brave 

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