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**Please don't murder me, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long!**

Previously on: The Forgotten Eaton:


Now, on with the story!

Cas' POV

Bea just left to sign me up for school. So now Toby and I are sitting in the living room, just talking.

"Cas,what were you thinking about earlier?" Toby asks with a soft voice.

"Um, when you mentioned school, it reminded me of Hollie and Bethany," I mumble. Toby looks down at his hands.

"I'm sorry they messed with you,but they can't hurt you anymore, I promise," He whispers and take my small hands in his.

"I know, it's..." I trail off.

"It's what?"

"That's the thing, I don't know. I'm scared, but I don't want to be scared. I don't know what to do,"

Toby pulls me into a hug, just like he used to when we were little.

"If anyone messes with you, tell them your brother will come and beat their a**," Toby says. I smile because I know he's not joking. The door opens and Bea walks in with a handful of papers.

"Next time we sign someone up for school, you're coming," She points at Toby and smiles.

"When does she start?" Toby asks while walking over to Bea.

"Tomorrow, so we have to get her supplies today," Bea says.

"When?" I chime in.

"Um, how about now?" Bea asks.

"Okay, and, Toby, you don't have a choice, you're coming," I point at Toby and he falls to the floor.

"Can't, I'm dead," He jokes and closes his eyes.

I turn to Bea and she smiles and mouths hold on. She walks over to him and kicks him in the shin. He winces.

"If you were dead, you wouldn't have winced," She says matter-of-factly. He doesn't move. Then I get an idea.

"Bea, I've got an idea," I whisper and she nods.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a rather large bowl from the cupboard and fill it with cold water. I carry the bowl back to the living room. When Bea spots me, she smiles. Clearly knowing what I'm planning on doing.

Bea takes half of the bowl, since it has become rather heavy and she mouths, "One... Two... Three!" On, three, we dump the entire bowl of freezing cold water on Toby. He jumps up faster than lightning.

"I thought you were dead!" I joke.

"Yeah, well, it didn't stick," He jokes.

"Let's go," Bea grabs his hand and drags him out.

* * * *

Ugh, I hate shopping! I mean, I'm glad that Bea and Toby are helping, but does it have to involve so much shopping? I hold some bags in my hand, Toby carries a few, and Bea carries two. She runs up to unlock the door and Toby and I follow her inside. 

We throw the bags on the sofa and I swear I see a glint of evil in Toby's eye and he sneaks up on Bea and grabs her from behind. She squeals and I burst out laughing. He turns his head and kisses her slowly.

"Ew, no PDA!" I shout and throw a pillow at Toby, which he dodge. Bea points at me.

"You, have been spending too much time with the Pedrad brothers." I laugh and roll my eyes. Just to spite me, they kiss again.

"Save it for when I'm not here!" I shout and throw yet another pillow at Toby, which he dodges yet again. He has the reflexes of a freaking cat! Well, not Christina's cat, Oscar. He's lazy and hates everyone, but Bea, Christina, and I. He absolutely hates Toby and nobody knows why.

"Yeah... No." He kisses the side of her face and she scrunches up her face.

"Fine, then I'm gonna tell Christina that you want to catsit Oscar," I flip my hair and turn into my room with a smirk on my face.


"Hmm... Maybe I will, maybe I won't," I joke.

"Fine, then I'll... I'll call Uriah and say you need tutoring." He counters.

"But Uriah's an ido, I would be teaching him. it would be a waste of time and breath." I swing my head and glare at him.

"That's the point," He smirks.

"I hate you..." I mumble and go back to my room.

"You know you love me, don't even deny it!"m He shouts and Bea laughs harder.

"Sadly," I reply smoothly.

"Nice," Bea says.

"Whatever, I have to go to bed since I have to go to school tomorrow!" I shout and get into my pajamas, now noticing how late it is.

"Night!" They both shout in unison. Not creepy at all...

Bea's POV

Cas just went into her room and I look back at Tobias, who smirks. Idiot. He leans forward and kisses me slowly, I kiss back instantly. I feel him smile into the kiss. I pull back and ly backwards, so now my back is on his chest, he smiles down at me.

"Want to go to bed?" He asks softly and I nod. I go to stand up, but he puts his hand on my shoulder. He then proceeds to pick me up in a cradle like carry and carries me back to our room, me laughing silently the whole way.

He lays me down gently and tosses me one of his older shirts, which I put on over my tank top. He pulls on a pair of sweatpants that say Gryffindor on the side in red and yellow letters. Strange. Finally, he slides in next to me and pulls me into a life preserving hold. I didn't notice it at first, but then I notice my ear is pressed against his chest, right over his heart.

I listen to it's steady thump t-thump, like a lullaby, as it lulls me to sleep. I love him so much it hurts, and I love Cas. After the court trials, everything has been peaceful, well, as peaceful as you can get in Dauntless, that is. I just worry about how long it will last.

Okay, please don't kill me. I'm sooo sorry that I haven't updated in forever! So, if you have any ideas on what I could do, please message me, it will be greatly appreciated. Remember: READ, VOTE, and COMMENT! Bye, Pansycakes!

-Love, Emily
Be brave 

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