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The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.
Oscar Wilde

Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand.
Neil Armstrong

10:59 AM

The walk was tiring, Terrence felt like stopping many times to take a rest but each time he remembers the blood stain on his trouser and what people will think if they saw it, he starts walking faster, praying to get home sooner before someone noticed the blood stain.

Terrence met some town people on his way, most look at him strangely even though all of them greeted him warmly, but when he saw Mr. Larkson from afar he felt happy for finally meeting a familiar face on his way home. However, even though Mr. Larkson was in a hurry, he waited and chat with Terrence for some minutes before he went on his way.

"Ter boy, where are you coming from? You looked a bit disoriented and dirty too. Did you drink too much at the party last night or perhaps you had too much fun with your new friends?" Mr. Larkson asked looking at him with amusement.

"Good morning to you sir, I don't think I drank too much but maybe the drink was spiked, though I don't feel drunk," Terrence answered him, with his mind busy adding facts together.

"That should be expected since most party thrown are just a means for you youngster to get drunk without supervision." Mr. Larkson whispered to him as if in some conspiracy.

"Really? But, I don't know about that, since I don't usually attend any parties, last night was my first." Terrence answered him, waiting patiently for Mr. Larkson to say something else since he had just gotten an information from him that he was at the party last night.

"Well, you are right. But I must say you were rude last night, I waited for you for some minutes and you didn't show up, so I left. While I was leaving, I saw someone that resembled your friend Lao but am not so sure since it was night and I couldn't see clearly." Mr. Larkson said again, turning away from him.

"I am sincerely sorry I kept you waiting, and I appreciate that you waited for me." Terrance replied, looking ashamed outside, for the time Mr. Larkson waited for him, while he was happy inside for getting more information from Mr. Larkson.

"Its OK Ter, you are very special to me so I don't mind waiting for you and I am sorry I left you too. It was nice catching up with you but I have to go now." Mr. Larkson said turning to leave Terrence.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Terrence asked him out of curiosity.

"I am heading to the meat shop, besides I don't want to be late, if I am late they would have bought all the good meat." Mr. Larkson answered, with a wink at Terrence, waving his hand he started p walking in the opposite direction away from him.

Terrence was sweating like a Christmas chicken by the time he got to his front porch, he felt slightly happy because most of the people he met on his way home didn't noticed the blood stain on his trouser and the most surprising thing of all was that he remembered all of them, confirming his suspicious that the only thing he didn't remember was what happened last high and why he was at the warehouse.

Echoes Of Silence {EOS}✔ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now