👀 Confused

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Each person is an enigma. You're a puzzle not only to yourself but also to everyone else, and the great mystery of our time is how we penetrate this puzzle.
Theodore Zeldin

The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us; and I for one must be content to remain an agnostic.
Charles Darwin

10:02 AM

He was up earlier than usual. It was Sunday, and all his family slept in, he couldn't sleep though. Each time he closed his eyes he saw one of the dead bodies chasing him with a knife. After the third trial of trying to get some sleep, he gave up and resigned himself to his confusion.

Taking a banana from the fruit bowl, he peeled it and started eating, his thoughts wandered again. He was confused and yet he couldn't decide if it was the fear that was blocking his memory or if the trauma of what happened that night was too much and his mind was shielding itself from the pain.

He walked slowly to the sitting room, flopping down on one of the chairs, he picked up the remote to switch on the television but there was no interesting program on, he switched off the television again and closed his eyes.

He was jerked awake suddenly, he must have dozed off and his sister shouting about something in the kitchen must be the noise that woke him up.

He was disoriented and felt dizzy for a moment, he used his palm to rub his eyes, trying but failing to clear some of the sleepiness from his eyes. He yawned loudly, which seemed to announced to his family that he was there.

"Come on over here Ter, mom was planning to make spaghetti for breakfast again. I don't want to eat that this morning, come and join in the protest against it." Tibby shouted over to him.

"I will be just a moment, let me just wake up properly." He answered shouting back to his sister.

"Did you sleep in there overnight? Because I was surprised you were even awake this early, you are usually the one that wakes up last. What changed?" His mother said, with her banging of the pot distorting most of her words.

"I didn't sleep here mom, I was hungry that's why I woke upearly. I came to the kitchen to get something to eat, I ate a banana. I must have dozed off while I was sitting here." He explained, he still felt disoriented and faint.

After some seconds more, he was OK enough to stand up and walked to the kitchen, his youngest sister was already eating cereal with milk and was busy chatting non stop to their dog, who sat obediently at her feet constantly wagging his tail.

"Good morning mom, Tibby, Talia." He greeted them all at once.

They all chorused morning back at him, with only Talia grumbling her own greetings, he smiled. His sister could never joke with food, he wondered if maybe in her past life she was a food goddess.

He raised up his hand to ruffled her hair, but then he thought against it and dropped his hand, his brother Togan dragged himself into the kitchen. No matter what time in the morning Togan woke up he was never properly awake and he was always in a mood.

Echoes Of Silence {EOS}✔ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now