👀 Bigger Confusion

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The fundament upon which all our
knowledge and learning rests is the inexplicable.

Arthur Schopenhaue

"Be careful what you pray for."
Janet Morris


"Are you sure you can't wait for me in the car? Am sure my discussion with Mr. Larkson will only be for some minutes. Before you know it we'd be dine, Besides I want you to be on the look out for me." Terrance said, trying to convince Lao for the fifth time.

"Sorry dude, I really can't wait, but I will come back. You may still be having the talk when I returned. But I really have to buy what's on this list, I told you my dad wouldn't have allow me to leave the house at this particular time of the day, if not for the fact that I have to buy things for him." Lao answered in, parking the car near the school gate.

"Its OK, I understand. But please make sure you come back to take me home, you know I can't be seen walking about the town by anyone. Especially, by the news reporter and some town people who like gossiping." Terrance told him, opening the door to get down from the car.

"OK, I will. I promise." Lao answered him, Terrance closed the car door and walks slowly towards the school gate, he stopped at the gate using his hand to shield his face from the glare if the sun, he watched as Lao drives away.

Sometimes he wonders what type of man is the Sheriff truly, most of the time Lao is always insinuating things he did or how he treated him. Terrance noticed, Lao has never outrightly say anything bad about his father but from the way he talked people could guess or come to the conclusion that the Sheriff may be abusing his own son.

Without anyone admonishing him, he knows that thought and line of thinking is bogous, who could think the man sworn to upholding the law in their town would be a child abuser, if Terrance so much as voice out his thoughts all the towns men will probably lynched him, though some may say its because Lao was his friend and just correct him on that note but none would ever agreed that the Sherrif would be mistreating his own child.

Terrance shakes his head, sometimes the adults are blind. Not realizing the truth and most of the times not accepting the truth at all. Though he wondered if it is only him that Lao shared his fear and how his father treat him with. He would have to ask him once he is able to cleared all the mystery of the murder he found himself in.

With obvious distraction with his thoughts and being unaware of his surrounding Terrance continue walking briskly towards the football field. He was still distracted with his thoughts when he reached his destination.

The echoes of a girlish laugh and clapping of hands drawn him out of his thought, though it was unexpected but he wasn't surprised to see the two girls talking and laughing with each other at the far side of the field, the very edge. He doubt they would see him even if he waved at them.

He choose the first bleachers nearest to the gate to sit on. Terrance was never a sun-loving person so he choose the spaces where there is some shades to shield him from the glare of the sun.

Raising up his left hand, which holds his wrist watch he checks the time, 2:35 pm. Mr. Larkson claimed he wants to meet him at two yet, he was nowhere to be seen thirty five minutes later.

Terrance yawn loudly, he still don't know the reason why he gets tired quickly for the past days. He decided to lie down on the bleacher he was sitting on, until Mr. Larkson arrives he can get some sleep.

Echoes Of Silence {EOS}✔ CompletedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora