👀 To Love

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I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you.
Cassandra Clare

I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it.
Harry Emerson Fosdick


It has been a busy two weeks for her and she is glad everything will soon come to a close. She discovered a lot of secret about the family she was observing that no one would believe if she told them.

It is a wonder that none of the resident of the town knows that the sheriff is an abusive father. She wanted to intervene on few occasions during her observation but that would have blown her cover.

Closing the file folder on her table, she fold her arm behind her head, closing her eyes in a relax posture. Though she hasn't confide in anyone, including agent Roman about her findings and the fact that she still continues with the case despite the fact that the police department has marked the case closed, she believes at this point, once she gets the final evidence, she will tender all her evidence to FBI agent Roman so he can assist with the arrest.

After her talk with Terrence, she has been gathering information, rearranging all the evidence. The only thing that she needs to do is to go to the lab and check if the result of the strand of hair found on the first crime scene.

None of them at the police station bothered to check or follow up on that evidence since their Lab technical told them it would be difficult to find the DNA match. Luckily for her she is in good term with the man.

Through out the two weeks she has been following her two main suspect, the sheriff and his son. During this observation period, she noticed a lot of things from both of them. And she is now certain that Lao Knight is the real killer.

Standing up from her chair, she picked up the file folder and open one of the numerous drawer attached to her table, she placed the file inside and closed the drawer. Tidying up her table, she put her phone in her pocket and leaves the station.

Walking out of the station, she contemplates how to break the news to Terrence, he would surely be heartbroken when he heard of Lao's arrest but Terrence could also tipped him off if she inform him beforehand. She would know what to do when the time comes, she thought.

The walk to the lab was short, but the walk cleared her mind. Entering the lab, she noticed the lanky man bent over a work table, with a big eye google and also some blood sample on the table, Sumil was weary of interrupting him because he has the reputation of having a bad temper if someone disturbs his work. Clearing her throat loudly to get his attention, she shuffled closer to him. Getting a better look at what he was working on.

"Good day to you," she said slowly so as not to startled him.

Looking up sharply, he exhales and smile widely, "Good afternoon officer Flirk, how are you?" He answered standing up from his former position.

"I am fine. I came to check on the strand of hair we get at the first crime scene...." she was interrupted before she can complete the sentence.

"Ooh, I was going to come to the station to make the report myself and bring along my findings, good thing you come by. You would be amazed at the DNA of the strand of hair, it was surprising even to me, i could not fathom why the DNA of such person would be at that crime scene," he said, muttering to himself at the end.

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