👀Finding some truth

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Sometimes, we miss the truth when it's right in front of us. Sometimes the closer we are, the harder it is to see.
Jacqueline Simon Gunn

Where there is mystery, it is generally suspected there must also be evil.
George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th Baron


Slowly sipping the cup of tea they gave him and munching on the peanut, Mr. Larkson watched all the green eye police officer prancing about in the police station.

He is not worried or bothered even though the police woman who came to arrest him early in the morning tried her hardest to make everything looks like it was just an invite to the station.

Mr. Larkson knows that using the word invitation is just a fancy way of telling him he was under arrest, without the police saying a word he already suspect it has to deal with the facts that he lost his precious rings.

He has been sitting idly in the interrogation room for some hours now, but no one has come in except to gave him the tea and peanut.

Mr. Larkson noticed another police officer coming towards the interrogation room, he rolled his eyes. They are all acting as if he can disappear from the room or maybe he would have escaped through the imaginary window.

Instead of them to get on with the investigation they are all acting high and mighty, he has his own suspicious about the person who killed those poor innocent boys, he just needs to ask Terrance some questions and then he would inform the police.

All he needs is time, he want to verify some information and then he would catch the killer himself if the police are not going to, police can be clues sometimes.

Mr. Larkson raised the cup to sip the tea again and find out the tea has finished, he smile at himself. He might as well take advantage of the police's hospitality, eating the food the place in front of him and drinking their tea is just the beginning if they don't release him soon.

Mr. Larkson stands up from chair and turned to look at the camera with a raised eyebrow, he smirked at the camera after a moment and went to sit down. This attitude seems to bring the sheriff to the interrogation room quickly than he anticipated.

"My tea is finished, I need another cup of tea. Besides I need something else to munched on besides this peanut." Mr. Larkson said, smiling throughout his sentence.

"Someone will bring you another cup of tea Mr. Larkson. In the mean time, I will like to ask you some questions." The sheriff said, sitting down in the opposite chair.

"About time, I have been sitting down here for hours with my butt itching from too much sitting in one place, besides I have somewhere else to be so make your question quicker." Mr. Larkson said, still smiling at the sheriff.

"I apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused you and this will only take a moment." The sheriff replied, looking towards the door.

"OK, get on with it them and I still need that cup of tea." Mr. Larkson said.

"Where were you on Friday 6, of this month?" The sheriff asked folding both his hand on the table.

"Well, do you want detailed description or the short version of the story?" Mr. Larkson asked clearly goading the sheriff.

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