The encounter

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I stopped by a shop with a few ladies inside, they were all listening to the same man on the news:
"We've lost another city now, and we don't even know which one. Our soldiers are getting weaker and weaker each day, and we can't handle any more damage. It's time to drop the big one, gentleman! it's not even official yet, but Im sure we'll bomb America soon, with the Great! We will end the Cold War in the most brutal way by ending with the Americans, sons of the devil and enemies of God. Demons who do not believe in the power of communism and trueness! They nuked Kiev, and it's our time to strike back..."
-We are winning the war, ladies! Everyone laughed before the oldest of them all stared at me and said:
-What are you doing here by yourself?
-What are you doing here? -I replied
-Celebrating our victory, I'm sure your father will come back home soon.
I remembered I'd abandoned Vladimir a few hours ago, and almost fell in tears... But then, I noticed I was getting closer and closer to the wall... Dereck was waiting for me.

There was nobody on the streets, all I could here was birds and the wind crashing into the tallest buildings. That's when I found myself trapped in the midst of shouts and beautiful choirs, the loudest sing I've ever heard. It was the Soviet Soldiers, marching towards me. 

Союз нерушимый республик свободных
Сплотила навеки Великая Русь.
Да здравствует созданный волей народов Единый, могучий Советский Союз! - I could hear over and over again.

But then, a disturbing song replied back. It sounded far away, but close enough to hear them perfectly.

 You tell me that marches won't bring integration, but look what it's done for the voter registration. Be thankful our country allows demonstrations
Instead of condemnin', make some recommendations
I don't understand the cause of your aggravation

You mean to tell me, boy, it's not a better situation?  -Sang thousands of soldiers who walked towards me. 

I was in shock, I couldn't move a muscle as I felt those footsteps getting closer every time.  Seconds flew away, and I was waiting for the moment of my death. 

-Stop! -Shouted a Soviet Soldier. I looked at them, they were holding a big USSR Flag, along with an even bigger all-white one.

The Americans did not stop, they continued marching towards us with no fear. Their big guns started pointing towards the enormous Soviet army, and just when they were about to shoot...

-"The cold war isn't thawing; it is burning with a deadly heat" -Shouted what appeared to be the leader of the enormus green army. "Communism isn't sleeping, it is, as always, plotting, scheming, working and fighting."

-"The living will envide the death" -Replied a USSR soldier. -I guess it's true. We've all been fighting for the devil at hell.

-I agree. 

-Elbe day. Do you remember? 

-Not far away from here, my father experienced it with his own bones. 

I was standing in the middle of both battalions, it seemed like everyone was ignoring me. 

Then, someone laughed. It was followed by another person who smiled, and another who laughed as well. Both armies came together and shook hands. 

I couldn't believe what was happening, the amount of faith and love between soldiers was amazing, they all left their guns on the floor as a happy German melody played out loud. There were beer bottles everywhere, it seemed like both nations had won the war at once! I was so joyful, but so innocent... The happiness covered my body, I was thinking: "War is over." But it wasn't. It did not take long until both Generals approached and stated words I will never forget,

-"There is a god up there who is taking care of us. Unfortunately, our lives depend on devils who want to burn our homes down, and make us miserable.  "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword." I read once on the bible. It's time to get back to reality. God bless you, and god bless humanity."

All of them had one last hug, before both armies marched backwards, leaving me stranded alone, once again. What the American said was true, it is time to get back to reality. The sad and grey, the painful and harming one.

It was time to get back on track, the start of the journey towards West Berlin once again.        Where was Vladimir? I kept thinking the same question. Is he looking for me? How am I going to take care of myslef? I had just realized I was a young girl, stranded in the midst of war, trapped inside one of the largest cities in the world, looking for a kid I don't even know. I thought it would be a good idea to head back home and wait for Mr. Schröder  to find me. But no, I had come a long way in order to find myslef in this position. I was not far away from checkpoint Charlie, my easiest way out of East Berlin. But the place was going to be fully guarded, by either Amercans or Soviets. They won't let me cross so easily.

Could I bribe the guards? I didn't even have the money to buy a piece of bread. Beg? They'd shoot me right away. Then, I came up with the worst idea I ever had, which would turn out to be the best I've made. If I wanted to see Dereck, and escape from Berlin in order to stay safe from the cold war, I had to...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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