2. No! Not a surprise.

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A month after the interview, me and Anne decided to do our usual thing with Fathima, which is going to the local elders home. The people are the most fun to hang out with. We sing, dance and do all sorts of silly things with them, just to make them happy. The men at elders home who are over 65 years are the only one I ever would let touch my hand or hug me. No man can ever touch me or unlikely ever will at the rate my personal life is going on. I don't date, I don't hang out with guys. Period. The only guy friends I have are Kaamil and who ever Anne dates as long as she dates him.

"Zain, did you bring your legendary cake? Everyone loves it". Anne asked when she saw my basket of food. Jobless for more than 4 months and paying my own father money for my lodging and food has dried up all my savings. What is left is enough for another month maximum. I need a job badly. I already got more than my share of hints from my family and guess what? They will not tolerate me any longer if I don't marry or pay them for my keep. Wow, that's family.

"No, Anne. I am on budget. But I made some cookies as I can't go empty handed to see them. No one happy to see me except when I bring food". I made a false expression knowing well that it is not true but if anyone love me, they love my cooking equally or more. My talent for cooking is one thing even my family appreciates.

Fathima is the merry spirit of the 3 of us. She started playing "it's my life" by Bon Jovi and for a moment all problems forgotten,  I was having a good time. I am fan of decent music. I love classic and jazz. Rock and hip hop are an acquired taste from Anne and Fathima. I sat on the back seat while Anne drove us. If there are only girls, trust me, I am the most fun to hang out with. It is only when it comes to boys I keep my distance as my religion dictates. And I am happy.

"Too bad the billionaire didn't like you Zain. I had mighty plans for his money". Not Fathima again. "Can we stop talking about the brute?" I asked wishfully. "I saw him in the papers today. He is dating Lizzie Bernard" said Anne. Lizzie Bernard is the latest Hollywood sensation. "Right! I wish them the best. Now move on" I said exhausted. "Weren't you drooling all over his eyes Zain? May be he doesn't like girls who drool over his eyes. May be he likes girls drool over his p..." before Fathima fnished her sentence I said " I got your meaning loud and clear sweetie.. Lets leave the bloody man and his anatomy aside. He was rude and arrogant. I didn't get the job. He literally toss me out of his office. So I am not very interested in his private life or his life in general anymore." I told them in a tone that generally get ignored when two of my friends decided to annoy me. "But isn't he handsome Anne? He would have made a good husband for Zain. What do you say?" Fathima asked innocently. "Thanks love, but I applied for personal assistant , not for the post of his wife". And we all laughed.

When we reached the elders home, we took all our things out. James and Sam were in the garden. We went straight to them. "Well, well, look whom we have here? Gentlemen, I hope you are keeping well. You haven't aged a day since we last saw you" said Fathima with her theatrics. It's so nice to play silly at with these men and women who eagerly await for our trips every week. Sam replied "If not for the food you bring, we don't like you at all" and gave me a hug.  James asked skeptically " No cake?". And I felt really guilty. They love my cake but I can't afford to spend what I have until I find a job. So I told him cheerfully " I will be finding a job very soon, and then I promise I will bring cake every week".

"Cami is inside you know" said james. Camila Harper is one of the wealthy donors of the elders home and visits very frequently. She is about 60, fair hair and very modern. James has had a crush on her ever since she came to the establishment about 3 years ago. Cami is very regal. Doesn't talk to anyone whom she believe is beneath her. And certainly doesn't like me and Fathima. We always are polite to her but she has made it abundantly clear she hates us and our faith. She even tried to block me and Fathima from visiting the institute but none of her tricks worked out, so fat. Fathima always give her cutting remarks as good as she gets, but I hate confrontations. So, generally I smile and ignore.

(Billionaire Playboy) A Flower in Heaven - ZahraWhere stories live. Discover now