3. crystal clear

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I came home with a pleasant mood. My friends always make me happy. As I enter home Munira was seated on the front veranda.

She glanced up at me and said in her most condescending tone "Zain, I have told you many times, and I will tell you one last time. I don't have the money or the luxury to be part of your charity projects. You are already a burden to your father and myself. Two of my girls are going to get married to very successful guys. You have only disappointed your father. Unfortunately you are not blessed with good looks as my two girls. But the least you can do is, get married someone who will have you, and lift this burden from us. I quite had enough of seeing you".

Here we go again. "Yes Ammi (mother in urudu). I found a job. I will make some arrangements to leave home soon".

"You found a job? How? You said your interview didn't go well in SJ Holdings. oh! Faiza's intended is working for the same company. What he will think of us when I informed him my step daughter who up until yesterday lied to us about a job and suddenly informed today that she has found one. I think your father ought to hear this. No wonder, you have grown up just like your mother. Your father is correct in that score atleast. He doesn't lie whatever his other faults may be. But you, oh, you are the actress. You should work for Hollywood." That is Munira and her spiteful self.

As cruel it is, she always bring out my mother whom she has not met but only seen in pics which are now in my possession. My mother is the epitome of beauty. She married my father against the wishes of her family, who disown her shortly after. Though communication with my maternal grandparents , aunties and uncles started long before my mother passed away, I was always reminded I am an outsider.  With my mother, family ties died as well. Though occasionally I get a call from my maternal side of relations, any attempts I make to have a more close relationship is always thrown right at my face.

My father used to be a different man than that what he is today when my mother was alive. He was the kind of loving husband and father everyone wished to have. He was never cruel to my mother nor myself. We were happy. Well, that's past.

Shortly after my mothers' death, my paternal grandparents who hated my mother, decided to re-marry my father to one of their close relatives, who is Munira. And while the entire family taken up with Munira and the girls, again I was a cruel reminder of an outsider. I speak Arabic, French and English which are my mothers language. Where as my father and his people talk in Urudu, which is a language I haven't mastered yet.

"I haven't lied to you Ammi. I saw Mr.Stuart today in the elders home. He said HR will call after having a chat with me. I don't know where Faiza's fiancé works, as no one told me until now that he works for the same company. And the first I am hearing of Faiza even having a fiancé. No need to bother dad. I will go as soon as I get the money" I said a little hurt. Generally when Munira complained to my dad about something I did or did not do, it always ends up with a bitter after effect. He believes every lie Munira says. And I am tired of the frictions between me and dad. I just don't want anymore drama.

"How dare you? We treat you like family though you have no intentions of being part of the family. You have always treated us like outsiders. But I have told you, this is my home now. You are only allowed to stay as long as you obey me. Have you no shame to go begging a man for job? I mean, what is the use of your abaya and all the outward religiousness if you cant control your temptation for a man. If a man is rich and handsome , all you do is go crawling to him. What would people think when they get to know I am housing such a deceitful person like you. Be ashamed of yourself". Another provocation. I have to pick my fights wisely.

"I am part of the family Ammi. I will always be, even if I want it or you don't want it. This job came just as I told you. The pay will be good, and I will move out as soon as I have the money like I told you before. No need to cause more friction between dad and myself. These kind of accusation and complains will only distance me and dad, and if you have noticed, we are already strangers. I don't want to fight with him or you anymore. I will pay my room rent and money for food, like I have been doing for the last 10 years for one more month until I get paid, and then I will leave. Can we have peace at home atleast till then?" I said calmly thought I know I am fighting tears as I finished.

(Billionaire Playboy) A Flower in Heaven - ZahraWhere stories live. Discover now