5. Touch..

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I remember exactly what she said. "Go home safely"

She said it with so much sincerity and something rare I thought such things don't exists anymore. She can't take up the smell of cigar. She likes music. She is very polite. Very warm inside and out. And cares deeply.

I have been a good judge of character. That is how I survived in this business world. I know when women play hard to get, I know what women want in one glance. Yet, Zainab is complex. There is more to her than what the eyes meet. The area she is currently staying is popular for crime. I don't want her alone in that area. It almost made me angry that she has to live with a friend in that god forsaken place. Why the hell her family isn't taking better care of her? I mean, if not for anything, I am sure they can see that she is an extremely beautiful person.

I went home with the thought of Zainab. Though today wasn't the day I wanted to break up with Lizie, I did it any way. Told her it is over and gave her a big fat check, and sent her off with crocodile tears. The media going to be wild about this. I will have enough of this drama for a week.

I was at office at sharp 7.  I am punctual in everything I do. As I reached my office, I saw Zainab going through a file. She was eating a sandwich. The smell is mouth watering.

When she saw me, she smiled, got up and said in her musical voice "Good morning Stuart."

"Good morning. What is it you are eating?"

"It's a Tuna sandwich. I have extra. Would you like to have some?"

I didn't have my breakfast. The smell could kill. "Not poisoned?"

She laughed and offered me the last piece of sandwich. Oh my goodness. This is delicious. May be the best sandwich I have ever had in my entire life.

"Oh god. This is so good. Where did you get it from?"

"I made it." she told me.

"Come on. You cant be making everything that is delicious. Now can you?" I asked skeptically. People have claimed much worse to get my attention.

"You have no idea what miracles I can make in a kitchen,  Alhamdulillah"

"What is Alhamdulillah?" I asked.

"Oh its praise be to God. something we Muslims often say. Inshallah which means god willingly, I will get you some more sandwich tomorrow. Can I get you a coffee or something to drink? I am going to get me a tea"

"Tea please" and I went to my office with the sandwich in hand.


If I have mastered anything, then that is cooking. I am an excellent cook , Mashallah.

And no one can taste my tea and be unaffected. I kind of feel bad, as it will be pain making tea for the boss from going forward. He will love my tea, as everyone else does. My secret ingredient is my secret.

I taped the room, and went in. Kept the tea in his table, and turned to leave him to his work. I heard the sound "hmmmm hmmm". He is exaggerating.

"You can stop that. I know it taste good. But no need to be gross about it" I said smilingly.

"I swear I can be celibate as long as I am fed sandwiches and tea as good as this" He said with such a ridiculous look in his face. I laughed and left the room to enjoy my tea.

Its been a while since I genuinely laughed. It helped to ease some tension from my mind and body. Bless Stuart for his kindness.

Martha came at 9. Soon after Stuart came to our office with a guilty face.

(Billionaire Playboy) A Flower in Heaven - ZahraWhere stories live. Discover now