7. A stone made for her eyes

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As soon as I came home, I saw a message from Stuart.

*Missing you.

**I just came home

*I told you to call me and inform. Not message.

** I already informed you. I am going to sleep.

*Until you call, I cant sleep. You know you will keep me up.

**Don't be a stubborn.  

*You know I will not sleep well. If you care, you'd call. Otherwise, I will understand.

Damn. He cant play innocent with me. What is wrong with him. This is not going to end well. I keep telling that dial the number.


"You cant have your way all the time , then threaten people like a child if you are not happy, you know." I told him.

"I missed you too babe"

"Will you just shut up and listen?" he chuckled. Right! I am the joke. so laugh.

"Where are you" I asked him.

"Reached home while ago. Martha gave me a fine lecture you know"

"I am sure you deserved it very much. I am going to sleep now. Will see you at work on Monday. Please behave  at office" I begged him.

"Anything for you love" there was so much love in his voice.

"Sleep well. Allahumma bismika amuthu waiyah" I said that to him and hung up.


Martha came to me when I was seated at the library.

"That was nice. Dragging a girl while screaming"

"Oh Martha. Please. Don't exaggerate"

"She is not your typical play thing ,you know? you either do right by her or stand aside. She has suffered enough in her life. If you cant stay away from her, I will get her to work somewhere else. She is a loving thing. She feels. She hurts. You are lucky she is having some feelings for you, thought I swear to God, you don't deserve any of her love or compassion" she told me angrily.

I am having a bloody headache.

"What did she tell you Martha?"

"It is not my story to tell you. But know this Stuart, I love you like you are my own son. But you hurt that girl, and you will face me first. Is that clear"

"Yes. I don't know what I feel for her."

"Then figure it out. She deserves a person who could love her to the moon and back. If you are not that person, step back. There is a lucky guy somewhere for her"

"Like hell I will leave her alone. What do you mean, some guy will have her? I am not done with her?" I told her angrily.

"So, when you are done, you discard her like how you did the ones preceding her?" What the hell is wrong with Martha.

"Martha, I swear to you, I will not hurt her. I will not physically or emotionally start anything with Zainab that I cant finish well."

"Learn about Islam. You will know she will not sleep with you unless you marry her first. I am surprised she didn't slap you for holding her hand"

"She definitely fought though" I told her with a smile.

Martha relaxed.

"She is different Stuart. I really like the girl. Please have a care. Now stop sulking and join us"

(Billionaire Playboy) A Flower in Heaven - ZahraWhere stories live. Discover now