❁Chapter 4❁

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Chapter 4

"You know you will love me someday," a cheery voice floated through Bea's ears as she walked down the hall alone. She was on her way to find James as class was finishing soon and then she would be on her way to Dumbledore's office with James for a meeting she absolutely didn't want to attend, and the bad mood she was in wasn't getting any better with the very annoying new boy.

"Leave me alone," she said, her voice was quiet as it usually was and her eyes had already narrowed into a glare but the boys laugh only got louder and she wished to wipe the smirk off his face. "I won't hesitate to tie you to that wall again."

"Kinky," Beau smirked, though he didn't expect a reaction and he didn't get one either, "tough fucking crowd."

"Don't fuck the crowd," she tutted, turning to glare at him, "you're not funny."

"I think you're funny though," he grinned, "and of course you need a bit of Beau in your life."

"I have the b, e and a, I just don't want nor do I need u," she flipped him off before hurrying down the hallway in hopes to get away from him. She spared a look over her shoulder to see the wide grin on his lips and his arms crossed over his chest, she wished most of all to wipe the smile off his lips and with a flick of her wand the boy was thrown against the wall tied with a vine of flowers, though there weren't any thorns this time.

And the smile only widened.

She was leaning against the wall outside the classroom containing her boyfriend, there were only five minutes of class left before everyone would be wandering the halls and she wished he was able to leave early so that she wouldn't have to face the intense staring of students. She hated the pity, she understood it but she hated it and she just wished everyone forgot about it, that everyone treated her normally, the way...Beau treated her.

She didn't need a new friend or a new anyone. She didn't understand how it was possible for Beau to know so much about her unless he had studied it, or he had some way to figure out so much. People talked, of course, they did, she was the biggest gossip of the school and all of it was sympathy unless they felt the need to hate her.

Her old bullies glanced at her with sympathy in their eyes and apologies in their smiles and she wished she didn't have to witness that, she hated that. She hated them and how they treated her and because of what happened to her, she didn't want that to change. She just wanted everything to go back to normal but it didn't seem like that was going to happen anytime soon.

Part of it was her, she knew it was because she couldn't stand herself. She hated who she was, she hated her hair and herself and the skin she was in. She hated the scars on her body, the bags under her eyes, her voice - her damn voice that she couldn't stand. It was a reminder of her pleading, of the 'no's' and the 'please' that left her mouth that night, the crying and the choking back blood, she remembered it all so vividly and every nightmare every night was a reminder in the morning.

It was draining to stand in the hallway, to get out of bed every morning and think of the day ahead, it was hard for her to even think of going to class or even coping with people. She just wished-for James to be beside her and for him to talk to her in that voice that calmed her down, to watch him talk to her and to listen to him.

Students eyed her when they left class, some forced a smile and Lily Evans wished to talk her, to hug her but she knew she couldn't. It was obvious the difference in Bea even though she hadn't spoken a word, the hair, the shortness, the exhaustion clear on her face.

James wasn't far behind and caught her standing there with the frown on her lips, she looked as though she was falling asleep leaning against the wall, "hey baby," he mumbled quietly as he approached her and the familiar nickname he hadn't used in a while was a nice difference, it was refreshing.

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