❁Chapter 39❁

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Chapter 39

A full moon.

Remus had been getting extra grumpy during the week and even though some of their friends didn't know about his lycanthropy - something he knew he'd have to tell them at some point - they all still knew to tread lightly when he got into his moods.

They knew how he could be - Lily could remember a time in her fifth year when she saw the boy hex a first year and hardly knew what to do. When she had brought it up once, the boys couldn't stop laughing and Bea wouldn't let him live it down for a full week, ranting on and on about how he was always the one to tell her to be nicer to first years.

She was nice to first years, of course, but sometimes they were hardly tolerable.

She was leaning against the whomping willow, and she had to make sure that Gerald was soundly sleeping before she left, or he would have wished to go with her, but she couldn't have that.

She didn't want to tell anyone what she was doing, especially James considering he would be the first to tell her not to, he was always so worried about her, but she knew why, and she was more than grateful for him, but she wasn't a little girl, she had to grow, and she knew that meant growing in all aspects.

She waited for the howling. She didn't like to follow them into the whomping willow - and she never did. Remus didn't know about her, he had implied when he first talked to her at the start of the year, but he merely thought the buzzing was a coincidence and never brought it up again.

So, against the tree she waited, making sure to keep it still so that she wasn't going to hurt herself even more than she could. The last thing she and her friends needed was her in hospital just a few days before summer.

"Merlin, Remus," she mumbled under her breath. The first howl always indicated that they were out of the shack and regardless of warmer weather, it was still very late at night.

She shifted when the howl allowed birds to fly from the trees and she transformed not a moment later, buzzing through the air and searching the grounds below for the first time in a full year. It was odd to be out so late, she flew with James on the Quidditch pitch but that was it and she was sure that was all it would've been for a while.

But she knew. She knew it was time - she wanted to soothe Remus as best as she could, and his words ran through her mind, that the buzzing once able to irritate him was soothing when he realised it was gone.

She dipped low at the sight of antlers, buzzing over the wolf next to the stag which atop of it sat a rat instead of scurrying beside them. She buzzed beside Sirius, and she knew that she would be smiling if she could at the confusion clearly written on Padfoot's face.

He was shaking his ear as though it would rid the buzzing, soon bringing up his paw to scratch said ear and when Bea floated in front of him, showing herself to the dog did he find himself stopping. She floated by him when he knew she was there, and soon rested near Remus - who, for a second, tried with as much force to whack her away but she floated too high for him to reach.

She knew that Remus was in there somewhere - the wolf was not a different person; the wolf was a part of him - and she knew that he would know if he just forced himself to listen. So, she floated low, near his ear but holding back just in case and soon, halting in his step was Moony, head spinning until it caught sight of the bee.

And he stared.

He stared for minutes longer than she had ever seen the wolf halt for - not moving, just staring and she floated in her space so he could stare as long as he needed to and when he turned back around with not another word, she dipped low and nuzzled into James' ear like she once used to do, buzzing louder when the stag stopped at the sound, making a sound much like a grunt of approval if such thing was possible and although she needed to be on her guard to help Remus - she was relaxed, and she was happy.

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