The 40-man lineup

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I wake up the next morning, and try to take a shower without waking Regan.  After getting dressed in my blue, red, and white dress, which I paired with a pair of white leggings I see that I've gotten an email from Theo.

To: Samantha Maddux
Subject:Photographer Interview
From:Theo Epstein

Dear Samantha,
      I realized last night that I forgot to tell you what time your interview is, but I didn't want to wake you at 1:00am, so I decided to wait till morning. Our interview is at 10:00am, and if I end up hiring you I have a job for you to do after the interview.

Sincerely, Theo Epstein

I look at the clock, and see that it's 9:30am, so I should probably head over to Wrigley. I put my Cubs hat on, and grab my equipment. I toss my equipment in the back seat, and start up my car. I will never get over the roar of the Dodge Charger Hellcat. It doesn't take me long to find Wrigley. I mean it's got a huge Chicago Cubs sign on it. I get out of the car and walk towards Theo, who true to his word, is waiting for me.

"It's good to finally meet you!"Theo says holding out his hand.

I return the handshake, "It's good to finally meet you too. Wait! No, it's more of an honor to meet you."

He leads me to his office, and has me sit down in a chair across from him. The interview is over an hour later, and he liked me so much that he gave me the job on the spot.

"So do you wanna know what your first assignment is?"Theo asks

"Yes, Please!" I say excitedly.

"You get to Photograph the entire 40-man lineup." Theo says smiling as he leads me into a huge room where a green screen is set up.  Theo walks out before I can respond, and all the guys walk in. They haven't noticed me yet.

I realize that my equipment is still in the car, and it would take two trips to get everything if I went alone. Maybe one of the guys will help.

"Hello! So, I know y'all have a game tomorrow, and we are in a crunch for time, but I didn't realize that I would be doing photography so soon after my interview, so my equipment is still in the car. So, I would really appreciate it if one of you guys could help me lug my stuff up here." I plead.

Anthony, who I hadn't noticed before, steps forward from behind Kris and David. "I'll help. You just lead the way."

I sigh in relief, "Thank you, Anthony!"

He smiles, "No problem!"

All the guys go, "Ooooooooooohhhhhhhh!" As me and Anthony leave.

"So I'm gonna take a guess and say that you got the photographer job."Anthony says knowingly

I smile, "You better believe it."

After 5 minutes of walking we reach my car. "Wow! That's a nice looking car you got there." Anthony says surprised.

"My Dad got it for my 18th birthday, cause I was having a little difficulty lugging my equipment around on a motorcycle." I explain.

Anthony stops in the middle of pulling out my tripod, "You have a motorcycle?"

I laugh at his shock, "Yeah, but it's back at home."

"You'll have to show it to me sometime." Anthony smirks

"Sure, I mean your the one who will have to ride behind me."I state

Anthony just smiles and shakes his head, "Come on! Let's head back before the guys think that we are doing something that's not getting photography equipment."

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