A Dinner Date

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A.N: The Outfit is for later on in the chapter.
We arrive at Olive Garden, and Anthony check us in. However, we have to wait. Ugh, I hate waiting.  We sit down on one of the love seat by the door.

"I hate waiting" I sigh

Anthony smiles, "Me too, but now we have more time to talk"

I laugh, "About what?"

Anthony shrugs, "Well you know a lot about me. Don't try to deny it. I know you do, Miss has posters of me."

I blush, "Shut Up"

Anthony smiles and shakes his head, "Never"

I laugh, "Well? What do you wanna know?"

Anthony thinks for a few seconds, "Where are you from? I can't help but notice that you have a slight southern accent"

I smile, "Arkansas, and good observation"

He raises his eyebrows, "I wouldn't have guessed that"

I smile, "Didn't think you would. Most people guess Texas, but they are wrong. However, I was born in Texas".

He opens his mouth to reply, but the waiter cuts him off.

"ANTHONY RIZZO" the waiter yells

We jump up and follow him to the table. The waiter asks us what we would like to drink, and then leaves to go get them.

"That guys got some lungs on him"I say without think about it

Anthony nods, "Yeah! I thought I was in trouble for a second"

I laugh, "So? Are you gonna continue asking me questions?"

He looks surprised, "Oh yeah! Do you like to drink or no? You know for further reference"

I smile, "No, I don't drink. The smell makes me nauseous"

Anthony nods, "Good to know"

We are interrupted by the waiter bringing out drinks, and then asking us for our orders. However, he soon leaves again.

"Any Tattoos?" Anthony's question catches me off guard

My eyes widen, "Yeah, I have one on my arm"

"Can I see it?" He asks softly

I nod my head and pull up my sleeve to reveal the words Rain is a good thing.

"Aren't those Luke Bryan lyrics" he asks looking from the tattoo to me

I pull my sleeve back down and nod, "Yup! They sure are. I love the rain, so I thought that would fit me very well"

He nods, "No wonder you were still eager to go on a date even though it was raining"

The waiter brings us our food, and then leaves again.

"The guys in a hurry" I say as I point in the direction that he had left

"Yeah I don't know what his problem is" Anthony agrees

I just shrug and start eating. Mmmmhhhmm delicious.  We fall into silence as we eat, but it's not one of those awkward silences. It's more of a content silence.

Once we finish eating Anthony takes me back to the hotel.

"I had a great time, Sam!" Anthony says with a big smile as he walks me back to the hotel room.

I smile back, "Me too!"

I look at the door when we get there, "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow at the game"

He nods"you bet"

Anthony the leans down and gives me a kiss on the cheek, "Bye, Sam"

I smile softly, "Bye, Anthony"

We part ways and I enter the hotel room. I see that Austin is gone, and Regan is passed out again on her bed. I look at the clock and it reads 7:30pm. My eyes widen in shock. Wow! Time flies when you're having fun. I change into a pair of sheep pjs, and socks, and climbs into bed. I stay up on my laptop for a while(4 hours 😂) . Then at 11:00pm I decide to go to bed since there a game tomorrow.
I decide to text my mom the details.

Hey mom! Just wanted
to tell you that my date
took me to some batting
cages, and then took me to
Olive Garden for dinner.😊😂

Oooooohhhhh that's so
great that he took you to do
something that you love. Also,
yummy Olive Garden!
I can tell that mom was asleep, so I just leave it at that. I then text Anthony.

Goodnight, Tony 🐻⚾
See you at the game
tomorrow !

Goodnight, Little Cub!
See you tomorrow😊💙🐸🐻
I lay down think about Anthony, and I drift off into a peaceful sleep.
A.N: I know this was a short one, but I'll try to make the next one longer.

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