All-Star Break

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I chuckle as I put on my Rizzo all-star game batting practice jersey on unbuttoned. I look down at my blue tank top, which is stretched tight over my twenty four week baby bump. I look at Anthony, who is adjusting his uniform, "I really hate you right now. I can't even button up your jersey."

He smirks softly, "No you don't."

I sit down on the hotel room bed, "You're right I don't. I'm slightly annoyed though."

He finishes tucking his jersey into his pants, and comes over to kiss my forehead, "I'm sorry. I didn't exactly plan on the condom breaking."

I smile, "The result is very wanted though."

He beams, "You're very right."

I accidentally cough in his face before covering my mouth. I blush upon seeing his tightly closed eyes, "Sorry. That one snuck up on me."

He wipes at a wet spot on his nose, "It's okay, but if I get sick I'm gonna be annoyed with you."

I roll my eyes, "I can't help it when I have asthma, and you're children are squishing my lungs and diaphragm."

He raises an eyebrow, "So now their my children?"

I nod sarcastically, "When they cause me to have breathing problems? Yes. When they wake me up in the middle of the night.?Yes."

He shakes his head with a smile, "Takes two to tango."

I lightly smack his shoulder, "Help me up."

He does so, and Wrigley comes running into the room with his leash in his mouth. I grab my camera before taking his leash, and I hear Anthony follow us to the door. I also hear the rustle of a baseball bag being picked up.

Anthony and I end up throwing a baseball back 'n forth because I got bored waiting for the game to start. However, he has to stop when it's time for an interview with him and most of the Cubs starting line-up. I head over to where my parents, and Anthony's family are sitting. I sit down on one of the concrete stairs, "I'm gonna regret this when I have to get up."

They jump and look at me. My mom shakes her head, "Not your best idea, Samantha."

I nod, "No kidding. Y'all excited?"

I hear a collective 'yes'. I put my old softball glove on my head, and I hear my dad chuckle. I shrug, "What? I don't need to get a sunburn on my scalp again."

They all laugh, and I wince when I feel a kick to my rib. Laurie looks st me worriedly, "Are you okay?"

I nod, "Yeah. Just got kicked in the rib."

My mom gives me a suspicious look, but she doesn't say anything, and Laurie seems fine with my answer. I notice that the clock says that there is 5 minutes til game time. I look at all of them, "Seriously though. Who's gonna help me up?"

My dad shoots up, and helps haul me to my feet. "I give him a hug, "Thank you." I wave at the large combined family, "See ya!"

The wave and say their goodbyes as I walk away. I try to hurry back to the dugout, but when you waddle that doesn't exactly happen. When I get to the dugout the boys are heading onto the field as their names are called. I pout when I see that Anthony was already called, but I pick up my camera knowing that I'll see him in the dugout later.
I frown as Anthony walks off the field when the ninth inning is over, "National League lost just like last year."

He shrugs, "You win some you lose some."

I wink, "There's always next year."

Anthony rolls his eyes, "God, I hate that phrase."

I chuckle, "I know you do. That's why I said it."

He pulls me in for a rough kiss, "Stop it."

I smirk against his lips, "Never."

I hear a throat clear from behind me, and he jump apart to see Kris. Kris shakes his head, "Do you two always have to make out in the dugout?"

I shrug, "No, but we like to."

Kris shakes his head as he pat the top of my head on his way out of the dugout. Probably gonna go find Jess, so they can make out.

I practically drag Anthony and Wrigley out of the dugout, "I'm hungry. Let's go."

"You're always hungry," I hear Anthony mumble behind me.

I send him a glare over my shoulder before continuing on my journey to the car. His fault anyway. Is ice cream too much to ask for?
Anthony shakes his head upon seeing me sitting on the bed with a pint of ice cream, "I swear every time I turn my back you've gotten either ice cream or gelato"

I shrug, "Your children. Blame them."

He flops onto the bed, "Why do I kinda believe that?"

I chuckle as he lays his head in my lap, "Because you have a very good relationship ship with food, and mine is slowly changing due to me having to eat now."

He hums as he kisses my very rounded stomach. I continue to shove ice cream down my throat as Anthony begins whispering to my stomach. "Your mom is the strongest woman on the planet. She goes to work everyday even though she's in immense pain. She won't tell me that, by I know she is. She's doing a fantastic job of making sure that you two grow to be nice and strong. She's followed every rule that's was asked of her. You two are gonna love her so much, just like I do. I just hope I can be half the parent she is."

I gently run my hand over his short brown hair, "Trust me, You're gonna be an amazing dad."

He sits up to kiss me, "You really are he strongest woman I've ever met. I meant every word I said."

I peck his lips again, "I know."

Anthony begins to move lower, but I push him off. He frowns, "What's wrong?"

I sigh, "How are you still attracted to me when I'm like this?"

He smirks with lust filled eyes as he kisses my lips again, "Sam. I'm attracted to you no matter what state you are in."

He moves further down to my neck again, and this time I allow him to go further. Let's just say that neither of us got a lot of sleep that night.

Ps. I know this chapter I kinda short, but it's kinda a filler till we get to the good stuff.

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