Gender Reveal and Multiple Kicks

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I lean back on the table, "Hear we go again."

Mikki laughs as she measures the circumference of my stomach, "Hey. You get find out the gender today."

Anthony smirks, "Well you do, and then I get to hit special baseballs to find out."

I shrug, "You get to find out today though. So you can't complain too much."

He nods silently. I catch a frown from Mikki as she writes down the number, but I ignore it for now. She walks out fo the room, and I sigh. Please don't let there be anything wrong.

I rub my hand over my baby bump, which I will admit is rather big for twenty weeks, but I've been eating a lot. I have an appetite for once so I'm not gonna let it go to waste. Dr.McCann walks in with a small smile, "There's my favorite patient."

I chuckle, "I'm your only patient that's pregnant."

She smiles, "Exactly. All my other patients are trying. You two succeeded."

I shake my head as I pull my shirt up again. She squirts the gel on my stomach, and I hear Anthony scoot his chair closer to me. He takes my hand, and I smile at him. Dr.McCann covers apart of the screen, "Mr.Rizzo turn around for a moment."

He groans but does as he's told. She removes her hand, and points to the lack of a boy part. I smile as I whisper, "My mothers side has a thing for girls."

Dr.McCann smiles before something catches her eye. She gasps, "Two."

I frown, "No. you're joking."

She smiles back at me before whispering, "One of both."

I almost faint right there on the table, "Twins?"

Anthony turns around at that, "Twins?!"

Dr.McCann nods and point to two separate bodies, "There is baby A, and there's baby B. B was hiding behind A."

I look at Anthony with wide eyes, "When you get to work you really do it."

Anthony chuckles, "Apparently. Wow."

I smile at the screen, "That explains why I'm so big."

Dr.McCann nods, "Yeah. That would explain it. Both are developing well. I'm still not worried about anything. Blood pressure is low as it should be. HCG level is going down. You still pass with flying colors."

I nod, "That's good. That's so good."

Anthony and I share a loving look at each other before looking back at the screen. Twins!

I smile at Anthony as I hold up one ball with the other one hidden inside my camera bag. His grip tightens on his bat, which will soon have a bunch of dust on it. It's just the team, my parents, Gwen, Regan, Austin, Mikki, Jessica, and Anthony's family in the stands. I chuckle to myself as I get ready to pitch the first one. Let's not hit him this time.

I decide on a fastball for this first one. I watch in slow motion as the ball leaves my hand, and goes rocketing towards home plate. Anthony bites his tongue as he swings his bat. The ball explodes upon impact into a cloud of pink dust. Anthony and I both start laughing as everyone starts screaming. Little do they know there's two. I pull it the second ball, and the crowd goes dead silent. Anthony and I share a look before I shrug, "WE DIDN'T KNOW TILL TODAY!"

Everyone continues to stare in shock. I laugh again as I decide on a curve ball. I throw the ball, and this time the ball explodes into blue dust when Anthony's bat collided with it. While everyone freaks out due to twins Anthony runs over to me, and twirls me around before dipping me into a kiss. I giggle against his lips as he brings us both back up.

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