Valentines Day

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I gag at the smell of the pancakes Anthony is making for our Valentines Day breakfast. Anthony looks at me in shock, "Are you okay?"

I shake my head, "I don't think I can eat pancakes."

Anthony nods as he chuckles the first pancake in the trash, "That's okay. How about some scrambled eggs?"

I nod, "Yeah. I think I can handle that."

He nods as he gets the eggs out of the fridge. I sigh, "I don't know why I'm so nauseous today."

"Maybe your gastroparasis is acting up?" he hums.

"That usually happens after I eat. Not before," I point out.

He hands me a plate of scrambled eggs, which I don't even bother to put ketchup on. Anthony sits next to me with his own plate, and he kisses my temple before digging into his own plate of eggs. I don't even make it through a third of my eggs before I feel full, and nauseous. I push my plate to Anthony, who is used to finishing my meals. He adds my eggs to his own with a worried expression. Usually I can eat more than that.

I close my eyes as I rest my head against Anthony's shoulder. He clears his throat, "Do you still wanna go see Deadpool? If not we can stay here."

I lift my head, "Yeah. I still wanna go. I'm not that nauseous."

He gives me a knowing look, "You gagged at pancakes. That's your favorite breakfast meal."

I roll my eyes, "I really wanna see Deadpool."

He smiles, "Fine. We can go."

I squeal as I pull him into a hug, "Yay!"

He chuckles, "You're not gonna give it up for anything are you."

I shake my head, "Nope. I've been waiting weeks to see this."

He shake his head fondly before returning to his eggs. I get up, and head to the bedroom. I swallow the bile that had risen in my throat. I think I'm gonna be sick.

We can't be more than ten minutes into watching Deadpool when I begin to cramp. I squirm a little bit to try and find a position that doesn't hurt, but to no avail. Anthony squeezes my hand, "Are you Alright?"

I nod as I give up, "Yeah. I'm just cramping a bit. I'll be fine."

He squeezes my hand again, "You sure? Cause we can go."

I squeeze his hand as a particularly painful cramp rockets through me, "Yeah. I'm sure."

He nods, "I love you."

I smile through the pain, "I love you too."

By the end of the movie I'm doubled over in my seat. Anthony is rubbing my back, and begging me to let him take me home. I shake my head as the credits roll, "Give me a minute."

I reach for Wrigley until I realize that we didn't take him with us, "Damn. Should've brought Wrigley."

I turn my head slightly to look at Anthony over my shoulder, "I wanna go home. You're gonna have to help me though cause I don't think I can walk."

He nods worriedly as he helps me into a standing position. It's a very slow going as we can only get a few step before I have to stop. Anthony shakes his head, "I really think you should go to a hospital."

I shake my head again, "I've had enough of hospitals for awhile. I just want to go home and sleep."

He nods silently, knowing that this is a fight he's not gonna win. Not with me in so much pain. We eventually make it to the car, and I lean against the car, "Oh my god."

Anthony rubs my back, "Sam?"

I reach down to open the car door, "Home."

He sighs heavily as he walks to the drivers side. I slowly lower myself into the passenger seat. I buckle myself before curling in on myself. This is unbearable. Tears being to leak out of my eyes due to the pain. Anthony is dead silent throughout the ride home.

I don't even feel the car stop as I'm too focused on the pain. I jump when the passenger door open, and I groan as I uncurl myself. My hand is shaking as I unbuckle myself. I look at Anthony pleadingly, and he wordlessly picks me up, and carries me all the way to the bedroom. He lays me on the bed before laying down next to me. Wrigley jumps up on the bed, and licks my hand that isn't curled around my stomach.

I clinch my eyes shut, "Anthony."

He hums.

I reach for his hand, "Can you rub my stomach?"

I feel one of his large hands land on my stomach, and it begins to move around in a circle. The pain dies down a little bit, and I sigh. "Thank you," I say breathily.

Anthony whispers, "You're welcome, Samantha."

We spend the rest of our Valentines Day in bed because I'm in too much pain to really move. We don't exchange gifts because I told Anthony long before today that I didn't really like the gift giving part. He had insisted on giving me something, but I continued to tell him no. He eventually gave up on getting me a gift.

Anthony pokes my arm, "Why did you not want a gift?"

I sigh, "Anthony."

"I just want to know," he defends

I shake my head, "I didn't want a gift because still having you in my life is a gift enough for me."

He smiles, "Having you here is a gift too, you know."

I chuckle, "How cliché are we?"

Anthony nudges my hair with his nose, "Very."

Wrigley climbs on-top of us, and lays his head on my stomach. He whimpers slightly, and I pet his head, "What's wrong, Wrig?"

Anthony chuckles, "Maybe he doesn't like seeing you hurting like me."

I roll my eyes, "I'm actually not hurting that much anymore."

He shrugs, "Wonder what it was?"

I think for a minute before shrugging as well, "I don't know. Maybe it's a fluke."

I stare up at the ceiling. I hope that's what it was.

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