Bringing the Families Together

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It's the Fourth of July, and I invited both My parents and Anthony's family to share this day with us. Also, it's my parents anniversary, so this makes today extra special.

Anthony and I end up sleeping late, which results in both our families busting into the room. We both jump up. That turn out pretty badly for me because I end up on my hands and knees coughing. Anthony hand me my inhaler, and I quickly shake it before taking two shots as per usual. I raise up onto my knees, "Y'all trying to kill me?

My mom gives me a sympathetic look, "Sorry, we forgot that it takes awhile for your lungs to wake up"

I wave her off, and I slowly walk in between all of them into the living room, "It's okay. Just.... please don't do that again"

I hear a collective, "We won't" from behind me

I then plop down onto the couch, and I immediately feel a pounding on my back. I sigh in relief, "Anthony?"

I hear him hum,"Yes?"

I point at my back, "That feels good"

He chuckles, "I try. By the way your dad offered to make breakfast"

I hum thoughtful, "What's he making?"

Anthony stops pounding for a millisecond, "Pancakes"

I pump my fist in victory, "My favorite"

Anthony laughs, "Yes. Your favorite"

Anthony then jumps into conversation with his parents, but I'm half asleep at that point, so I don't really hear the words.

About an hour later, Anthony pats my back, and I crack an eye open, "Yes?"

He leans down, "Pancakes are ready, and you need to take your medicine"

I sigh, haul myself off of the couch, and into the dining room. I see everyone sat around the table with plates full of pancakes. I sit down, and I look at my dad, "I'm sorry that you had to make breakfast on your anniversary, dad. If me and Anthony hadn't slept late we would have made breakfast"

He waves me off, "It's fine, Sweetheart. I love cooking anyway"

Anthony and I quietly go through our ritual, and I point my fork at my father, "Well I'm cooking dinner tonight, so you get to pout while you relax"

Everyone cracks up, and I even hear Wrigley yip softly.  Halfway through breakfast Laurie looks at me, "So, what's this about a port that we keep hearing about?"

I look to my mom, "Mom. You're the nurse. Would you like to explain?"

She nods, and set her fork down, "As you all know, Samantha has to take antibiotics for the bacteria that grows in the mucus that's in her lungs. Well the oral medication takes to long to effect her, and they wear off quickly. So they want to put a port-a-cath in her chest that will make the antibiotics flow directly into her bloodstream. They do this by putting a catheter into one of the large central veins of the heart, and the catheter leads to the port, which is visible from under the skin."

I then chime in,"Point is it'll help me"

"It'll look like she has a Lego in her chest" Anthony jokes

I shake my head, "Depends on which type I get"

Anthony winks at me,"You know you like the one that looks like a Lego"

I go to respond, but Sarah beats me to it, "When are you going to get the port?"

"I have it scheduled for the 24th of July. That way we are back from the all-star break, and I'll have my boot off." I explain

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